Unemployment Research Assignment Paper



link: https://www.census.gov/en.html

1. Create a proposal that details the topic you have chosen, the data you think you will need and what you are trying to show with that data.

2. You will create a workbook (of several worksheets) in Excel that graphs this data in a meaningful way to tell the story of your topic. I will require a graph, a pivot table, a pivot chart and a worksheet with the original data from the Census Bureau.
3. A poster of the graphs that is 36″ X 24″ in size.

Unemployment Rate
For our topic we decided to do the effects on Unemployment Rates. How are unemployment rates so high and what are the effects.

The causes of such high unemployment rates are education levels, the income levels and the migration: what jobs are doing better than others and where they are located. Certain departments of occupations do better than others; where they are located or the benefits from the occupation.

Due to certain living situations the reason maybe that some of the people out here in the world may need to stay home due to taking care of children or elderly or someone with a health problem. This may result in unemployment.

Unemployment has both social and economic consequences. In terms of social, there is increased health risks and depression among the unemployment individuals and this may enhance criminal activities as well as death and diseases due to poor health conditions.

Economically, there is increases payments of benefits to those leaving employment which cases the federal government to borrow more hence lowering the gross domestic product.

As at December 2018, the rate of unemployment in Pennsylvania was 4.3%. Notably, unemployment reduces the disposable income to individual citizens who are out of employment hence no enough money.

In turn, people cannot advance their education and cannot offer good education to their family. Importantly, this causes migration of people from one state to another hence exerting pressure on the resources where people migrate to. In such instances, informal jobs do well while formal jobs are stagnant.

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