United States of America History Research Paper

United States of America History Research Paper Hist 107 Research paper
The MLA-formatted 5-7 page research paper that includes a clearly defined position, argument, and evidence (from primary and the secondary sources).

United States of America History Research Paper
United States of America History Research Paper

Topic: The topic of the paper is based on the reading/book titled The Captured: A True Story of Abduction on the Texas Frontier by Scott Zesch.
Author Scott Zesch uses the story of Indian captives to open a window into the experiences of Texas pioneers. For this paper, you must place the stories of Adolf Korn and the others who were taken as captives within a larger historical context. What do their experiences tell us about Native American culture? What do they tell us about pioneer culture? Why did the Comanches take captives? Assess how the stories of the captives and their captors fit into larger patterns in the history of the United States West. Conclude your paper by explaining what The Captured tells us about the American frontier

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