Utopian Literature Research Assignment Available

Utopian Literature
Utopian Literature

Utopian Literature

1. Read the Book ( Huxley A., Brave New World (1931)
2. Analyse a sociological theme developed within the work of your choice in for of an essay. Such themes might be, for example : the”state’,
‘family”, “power’, ‘truth”, “control” , “freedom” , ‘free will’, ‘role of language’,
“environmental sustainability”, “justice’ , ‘role of markets’; and so on. Keep in mind, not every utopia develops every theme to an equal extent, so if you have a specific theme that you want to explore in mind, you want to choose your corresponding literature carefully. The list of themes provided above is indicative, not exhaustive.
3. In your analysis: make sure you use adequate theoretical support in the form of relevant academic literature. (i.e., even though you explore the theme
within the utopian text, you DO want to use theoretical works like : books & journal articles. examining the theme in real world fashion.
4. Formal requirement: 1500 words (+/- 10%), including introduction and conclusion, but not the bibliography. Adequate regard for the academic conventions on citing and referencing is expected (using HARVARD SYSTEM).

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