Variable Relationships Research Paper

Variable Relationships
Variable Relationships

Variable Relationships

Variable Relationships

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It is important that the writer pay attention to all details and respond accordingly. The 3 main questions pose here must be responded to in detail.

Variable Relationships

This week we enter the world of relationships between variables. It is a common mistake to assume causation when a correlation is present. As an applied doctoral student, it is important that you understand the role of relationships between variables. So, to facilitate that understanding, in this paper, please post a 3 paragraph statement minimum that illuminates correlation in your currently conceived DBA doctoral study topic (which may or may not be appropriate for correlational methods, but for the purpose of this paper, pretend it is). Doctoral study topic is (The Effects of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices on Employee Performance). To do this present the following:

1. State your proposed research questions and hypotheses for your DBA doctoral study research.

2. Present how your study constructs are relational, and not causal (unless you have a true experimental condition. If you have a true experimental condition, with all expected components, defend all causal conditions).

3. Finally, discuss how and whether your envisioned DBA doctoral study’s questions will be sufficiently answered by bivariate correlations, or whether multivariate methods are more appropriate.


Correlation does not always imply that causation exists. Causation refers to any act or process of triggering something to happen or to exist. It is an explanation of the relationship between a situation or event and its possible cause. Hence, a correlation between any two variables does not directly imply that one causes another. Correlation can be used further as a basis for the testing hypothesis of a true existence of the relationship.

Research question

Research question identification forms one of the major elements in any research. It narrows down the focus of a study. The elements necessary for the research question should focus on the core meaning and individual’s personal experiences. Qualitative factors rather than quantitative factors need to be considered. Also, individual experiences need to be expressed in an intimate manner and be formed without bias (Batt, et’al,.2011). Therefore, the research questions in this research study are the following: What are the effects of Human Resource Practices on employee performance.

A major role is to design interview questions to gain an understanding of human resource and employees. These questions facilitated understanding of value formation, development, how they are applied and how the results can help the business society understand effects of the variables. A phenomenological methodology will allow for an understanding of the effects of human resource practices on employee performance (Guest, D. E. 2011). The following interview questions are intended to answer the research question.

What factors in your background influence your job performance?

How does motivation impact on the level of production from individual employee levels?

The hypothesis found the correlation between motivation and performance. A well-motivated workforce with effective reward formula leads to an increased level of production. Also, state factors in the background of the safety at workplaces and their effects on performance.

From the hypothesis, the variables are relational. This mainly arises because one variable has a positive effect on another. In the case of motivation, it positively impacts how employees behave in their workplaces. A rational manager who focuses on strategies to motivate employees realizes the benefits positively. In the presence of this, the employees have a self drive and, thus, perform duties without much supervision. One feels appreciated and the contribution he/she awards the organization is appreciated (Guest, D. E. 2011). Concerning background, employees who work in the safe environment can perform tasks positively. Safety and a clean working environment are a key factor in optimizing production. Management can consider restructuring the organization structure to enhance employee performance. However, some employees tend to perform similarly even if the background of their workplaces are changed or altered. Hence, the hypothesis relates to the problem and should not be considered causation (Jiang, et’al,.2012).

The relationship between these variables can be tested using bivariate relationship. Thus is an implication that as one variable increases, the other variable increases. This contributes to a linear relationship. Similarly, as one variable decreases, the other variable also increases. This implies that when the management’s motivational tasks are increased, there is a positive result on production. Any additional unit gives an additional effort to employees (Bratton, et’al,.2012). This can be achieved through focused employee activities that include the award of tokens on any overtime worked and other similar activities. Thus, human resource practices affect job performance of employees, and one should consider improving this performance based on employee needs by establishing their needs and capabilities.


Batt, R., & Colvin, A. J. (2011). An employment systems approach to turnover: Human resources practices, quits, dismissals, and performance. Academy of management Journal, 54(4), 695-717.

Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2012). Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

Jiang, K., Lepak, D. P., Hu, J., & Baer, J. C. (2012). How does human resource management influence organizational outcomes? A meta-analytic investigation of mediating mechanisms. Academy of management Journal, 55(6), 1264-1294.

Guest, D. E. (2011). Human resource management and performance: still searching for some answers. Human Resource Management Journal, 21(1), 3-13.

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