Visual Art Analysis
For your Final Paper, you are to choose
• one artist and one work of art by that artist and give a 2 page visual analysis of that work of art.
• I expect 1 cover page, and 2 FULL pages of text, Times New Roman font, 12, double spaced.
• Do not adjust the margins, do not increase the size of your text, do not plagiarize!
• You are also to include an image of the work of art you have chosen on the cover page.
• Your chosen artist/work must either be a living contemporary (recognized) artist, or a historical artist. I love your kids/nieces/nephews/friends/grand kids, but I do not want to see finger paintings for this assignment.
1. Introductory paragraph
2. Introduce your artist and the piece you chose
3. Discuss the visual properties of the work
4. What does this piece communicate to the viewer?
5. Why did you chose this piece?
6. Conclusion
Art Appre & Art Appre Honors Paper
Tips for writing your paper (please see syllabus for instructions):
• In your paper, you firstly need to have a clear introduction. State the title of the piece you have chosen, the artist’s name, and what you intend to write about.
• So what are you writing about? Well first you might want to write a paragraph on what you know about the artist—where are they from, what is their background, what kind of art do they generally create. This information might have been included in an Artist Statement at the gallery opening you attended. If this kind of information was not provided at the opening, it is not required for your paper, it’s just nice to have. ?
• You most definitely need a visual analysis of your chosen work. This is your chance to use all of that vocab you’ve learned this semester. What is the medium? What elements of art are used? What principles of design are used? What does this work of art communicate to the viewer?
• Don’t forget you need a cover page with your name on it, and you also need a copy of your chosen piece attached to the paper.
Tips for those of you writing the Art Appre Honors Paper:
• You must write your paper on a Contemporary (meaning the artist is still alive) artist. If you are having difficulties finding an artist you like, first use your book as a reference, and come speak with me if you continue to have issues.
• First, give some background on your chosen artist. Who is this person? Where did they learn about art? What media do they generally work with? Do they have a common theme in their art? Who do they consider to be their influences? What other artists do they work with? These might be some of the questions you approach in your paper.
• Choose one work of art from this artist and give a full visual analysis of this work of art.
• Make sure you are following the guidelines in your syllabus about sources.
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