Voltaire’s Candide Essay Assignment

Voltaire's Candide
Voltaire’s Candide

Voltaire’s Candide

Read Voltaire’s Candide, chapters 1-15 and answer these questions
1. Do you think, like Leibniz, everything is for the best; or do you think, like Voltaire, that things are meaningless and there is much pointless suffering in the world?
2. Why is it funny that Dr. Pangloss says “Observe how noses were formed to support spectacles, therefore we have spectacles”?
3. What was really happening when Pangloss was teaching “experimental physics” to the chambermaid?
4. What is Voltaire saying about war?
5. Why is Syphilis “necessary”?
6. How is the Seven Years War like the Lisbon earthquake?
7.What is the point of the Kanye meme?
8. What did you think of the Old Woman’s Story? What does she mean by “I have lived, and I know the world”?

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