Watch the Video by Katz and answer the Question

Watch the Video by Katz and answer the Question Watch the video first, ( then answer the following question

Watch the Video by Katz and answer the Question
Watch the Video by Katz and answer the Question

1. Why is “women’s issues” a problematic term for Katz?
2. What is the privilege of dominance that he discusses? How does this relate to the language structure he emphasizes?
3. How does Katz suggest we shift our ways of thinking about gender violence?
4. What questions or thoughts does Katz’s discussion bring up for you? Take a few minutes today to watch Jackson Katz share wonderful insight in his TEDx video below addressing men in society. Then post your thoughts and questions in the COMMENTS section below (be sure you are logged into FaceBook for the Comments to appear). I will invite Jackson to answer any questions that are posted.

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