What is cultural intelligence? Essay Paper

What is cultural intelligence?
     What is cultural intelligence?

What is cultural intelligence?

Order Instructions:

• What is cultural intelligence, according to the books or journal articles you found?
• Why is cultural intelligence important for HR practitioners?
• What are three recommendations to help develop one’s cultural intelligence?
• How well-developed is your cultural intelligence, and what tells you that?
• Considering what you read on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s site, why is cultural intelligence important, even if your career is exclusively in the United States?


What is cultural intelligence?

Cultural intelligence spells out an individual’s capability to work or relate across different cultures in an effective manner (Winn, 2013, p. 10). In essence, it refers to the natural ability exhibited by an individual in interpreting unfamiliar gestures in the same manner that the person from the specific culture would (Stening, 2006, p. 74). Cultural intelligence has gained popularity over the years as the world increasingly becomes a global village and cross-cultural organizations continue to emerge (Livermore, 2010, p. 3). Individuals must therefore be in a position to understand others effectively in order to communicate and co-exist effectively.

Importance of cultural intelligence for HR

The relevance of cultural intelligence for HR practitioners in indisputable, as portrayed by various studies which have sought to identify the significance of culture on managerial behavior (Winn, 2013, p. 10). This is often driven by the fact that workplaces are becoming increasingly multicultural and managers must therefore understand cultural impact and how to deal with it positively to promote organizational performance (Winn, 2013, p. 11). Human resource practitioners should definitely be interested in cultural intelligence as it helps them make effective decisions during selection, recruitment, training and development of their employees (Stening, 2006, p. 74-76). Before sending employees on assignment as expatriates for example, the HR manager would need to determine who are best suited for the assignment, as well as the kind of training required for the individuals to effectively interact with persons from a different religious, ethnic and linguistic background. Effective understanding of cultural intelligence is also of great importance in promoting a cohesive workforce, resolving intercultural conflicts and addressing ethical dilemmas (Livermore, 2010, p. 2).

Developing cultural intelligence

The following three recommendations can help an individual to develop cultural intelligence.

Have the drive: Developing cultural intelligence calls for one to have motivation or interest to understand and learn another culture. When interest is shown towards a particular aspect, the mind also opens and allows for learning to take place (Livermore, 2010, p. 5).

Acquire knowledge: Understanding another culture is not an easy task and someone must therefore invest in acquiring relevant knowledge (Livermore, 2010, p. 5). This includes learning how culture influences behavior, beliefs and values. Knowledge can be acquired through constant interaction with members of different cultures and groups, reading cultural history and literature on beliefs, values and behavior, observing behavior of people from different culture especially when they interact with each other and learning foreign languages (Stening, 2006, p. 76).

Action: This refers to how you utilize acquired knowledge and generally portray your cultural intelligence. In essence, it involves utilizing the knowledge learned during one’s interactions with people from different cultures, gaining experience and learning from mistakes (Livermore, 2010, p. 5-6). With time, an individual becomes naturally capable of intercultural interaction and hence becomes culturally intelligent.

My cultural intelligence development

I consider my cultural intelligence quite advanced; having lived, schooled and interacted with people from vast cultural backgrounds. I do not have major difficulties in interacting with people from different communities and I am able to adapt to my surroundings quite easily.  In most circumstances, I can effectively build rapport with people from different cultures without any difficulty. This is because I have taken the time to interact with others from similar cultures and learn more about their behavior, values and expectations. In addition, I can effectively pick out peoples’ needs and emotions through cultural intelligence by being in tune with their beliefs, values, attitudes, expressions and body language. Through cultural intelligence, I have learned to monitor my own actions and refrain from judging others and relying on stereotypes. Instead, I always take my time to observe and adapt to my behavior according to the people I am interacting with. While I may not be an expert in every culture, I often use my observation, intelligence and empathy to understand people and situations and thus understand the behavior of others.

Importance of cultural intelligence

Cultural intelligence is of great importance even for people whose careers will be exclusively in the United States. Having read on the Southern Poverty Law Center, it is apparent that this institution handles people from numerous social and ethnic backgrounds and having cultural intelligence is of great relevance to people who work in such organisations. This is mostly so because of its popularity in dealing with victims of hate groups, discrimination and racial segregation.  Each individual requiring civil rights litigation comes with the expectation that they will be understood and treated well by those serving them despite of where they come from. Accordingly, possessing cultural intelligence would ensure that individuals can be treated with empathy and that their needs can be identified effectively in order to provide the required assistance. As noted by Winn (2013, p. 12), cultural intelligence is highly important in understanding the behavior of others; which in turn plays an important role in the development of interpersonal interactions. The more an individual is exposed to people from different cultures, the more culturally intelligent they should be in order to work well with others and also ensure that they can fit in anywhere without many challenge.


Livermore, D. A. (2010). Leading with Cultural Intelligence : The New Secret to Success. New York: American Management Association, AMACOM Division. Rretrieved from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/ebookviewer/ebook/bmxlYmtfXzI5NDY3MV9fQU41?sid=fa3312dc-4865-477a-900a-1fbe2ca4f9de@sessionmgr113&vid=3&hid=119&format=EB

Stening, B. W. (2006). Cultural Intelligence: Put it (High) on the Asian HRM Agenda, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 14(2), 74-84. Retrieved from http://rphrm.curtin.edu.au/2006/issue2/cultural-intelligence.html

Winn, B. (2013). Learning to lead with cultural intelligence (CQ): When do global leaders learn best?. People & Strategy, 36(3), 10-13. Retrieved from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=fa3312dc-4865-477a-900a-1fbe2ca4f9de%40sessionmgr113&vid=6&hid=119

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