White middle- and upper-class men into child labour

White middle- and upper-class men into child labour
White middle- and upper-class men into child labour

White middle- and upper-class men into child labour

Based on your readings of the primary documents and of Chapter 20, answer the following question:

The three documents offer an outside view from white middle- and upper-class men into child labor. Identify, compare and contrast their arguments. What did they find reprehensible and/or acceptable in child labor in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries?

Make sure to draw evidence from all primary documents, with the appropriate citations. Answer each of the questions in a paragraph, for an overall total of 300 words minimum in your submission.

Your check list before you hit “submit”:

Did you use quotation marks (ex: “”) whenever you pulled ANY specific wording from the documents? This is particularly important with words (such as “negroes”) that have a different cultural meaning and use in our current society. By using quotation marks, you acknowledge that these terms are historical artefacts.
Did you provide citations whenever you paraphrase or summarize a specific excerpt of a source in your own words?
Did you put the document title in italics and the page number in parenthesis at the end of your quote? (See examples of correct citations below)

The in-text citations are: (Manchester Becomes a Thriving Industrial City, p. #), and (The Sadler Report p. #), and (A New View of Society, p. #)

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