Windows Task Manager Operating Systems Performance
Windows Task Manager Operating Systems Performance Directions
Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.

Sources must be cited in APA format. Refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.
Using Task Manager and Tracking System Performance:
Open PowerPoint, select a Blank Presentation and change the layout to Blank.
Save your presentation to the location where you save your files in a new folder named Chapter 5 with the name Lastname_Firstname_05_Task_Performance Note: After each use of PowerPoint, you will save and minimize its window.
Copy the data folder gowin10_1e_pe_c_05_data to your Documents folder. If necessary, set the View to Details.
Navigate to This PC › Documents gowin10_1e_pe_p_05_data › Kansas City › Accounting.
Using File Explorer, open KC_AC_Loan Presentation, KC_AC_All_Rooms_Analysis, and KC_AC_Report_Shareholders. If necessary, maximize each application window as you open it.
Open Task Manager and, if necessary, click Fewer details. Capture an image of the screen. Display the PowerPoint Lastname_Firstname_05_Task_Performance window and paste the contents of the Clipboard on the slide.
In the Task Manager window, click More details, click the Performance tab and, if necessary, click Disk 0 (C:).
Capture an image of the Task Manager window. Display the PowerPoint Lastname_Firstname_ 05_Task_Performance window, add a new Blank slide, and paste the contents of the Clipboard on the slide.
In the Task Manager window, click the App History tab, if necessary, scroll down, right-click Maps, and click Switch to.
If necessary, resize and reposition the Maps window so that a portion of the Task Manager is visible and capture an image of the screen.
Windows Task Manager Operating Systems Performance and Display the PowerPoint
Lastname_Firstname_05_Task_Performance window, add a new Blank slide, and paste the contents of the Clipboard on the slide. Close all windows except PowerPoint.
Open Task Manager and, if necessary, click More details. Click the Performance tab and click Open Resource Monitor. Click the Overview tab and maximize the window.
As necessary, expand the Disk section and collapse the CPU, Network, and Memory sections. Capture the screen, display the PowerPoint window, add a new Blank slide, and paste the contents of the Clipboard on the slide. Close all open windows except PowerPoint.
In the taskbar search box, type performance monitor and then select and maximize Performance Monitor Desktop app. If necessary, expand Monitoring Tools and click Performance Monitor.
Open Word and Excel, click Performance Monitor on the taskbar, and click Freeze Display. On the menu bar, click Action, and click Properties. In the Performance Monitor Properties dialog box, click the Graph tab. On the Graph tab, click in the Title box, and type CPU Usage showing the opening of Word and Excel In the Vertical axis box, type Percent Used Click OK and close the dialog box.
Capture the screen, display the PowerPoint window, add a new Blank slide, and paste the contents of the Clipboard on the slide. Unfreeze the Display.
Save the presentation, close all open windows, and submit the PowerPoint file as directed by your instructor.
For this part of the exam, you must have an administrator account on the computer that you are using.
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