Writing a Persuasive or Argumentative Research Paper

Writing a Persuasive or Argumentative Research Paper For this assignment, you will be writing a persuasive/argumentative research paper in which you address the following topic: When performers (actors, musicians, etc.) are convicted of crimes, should their work be removed from public access?

Writing a Persuasive or Argumentative Research Paper
Writing a Persuasive or Argumentative Research Paper

This topic should be addressed within the scope of a 3-5 page research-based paper. It should utilize at least 4 sources Subject A (4 points) B (3 points) C (2 points) D (1 point) Development Clearly & effectively responds to assignment. Response to assignment generally adequate & thorough. Minimally responds to the assignment. Does not respond well to assignment. Audience Demonstrates specific attention to relationship between audience & purpose. Demonstrates understanding of audience & purpose. Demonstrates some understanding of audience & purpose. Demonstrates poor understanding of audience & essay purpose. Thesis Main idea (thesis) very clearly stated & topic is effectively limited. Main idea clear & topic is limited. Main idea clear or implicit & topic is partially limited. Main idea unclear & topic only partially limited. Logic Thesis supported in body of paper by a variety of relevant facts, examples, & illustrations from experience, references to related readings, etc. Thesis well-supported in body of paper by facts, examples, illustrations though support may not be as vivid as the “A” essay. Thesis generally supported in body of paper by facts, examples, details. No more than one paragraph with inadequate support. Thesis supported in body of paper by few facts, examples, details. More than one paragraph with inadequate support. Organization Organization & structure very evident: major points divided into paragraphs and signaled by use of transitions. Each paragraph has a topic sentence; sentences within each paragraph relate to each other & are subordinate to the topic. Introduction & conclusion effectively related to the whole. Organization & structure clear. Most major points are separated into paragraphs and signaled by transitions. Paragraphs are built on related sentences that logically develop the main points. No major digressions. Introduction & conclusion effectively related to the whole. Organization & structure mostly clear. Many major points are separated into paragraphs and signaled by transitions. Most points are logically developed. There may be a few minor digressions but no major ones. Introduction & conclusion are somewhat effective. The organization & structure must be inferred by the reader. Only some major points are set off by paragraphs and are signaled by transitions. There are some logically connected points. There may be some major digressions. Introduction and conclusion may be lacking or ineffective. Audience Voice & tone are consistent & appropriate to the audience/purpose. Voice & tone consistent & appropriate although somewhat generic or predictable in places. Voice & tone adequate to audience/purpose although often generic or predictable. Voice noticeably generic or inappropriate (e.g. first-person narrative may predominate in an analysis assignment). Tone is often inappropriate. Mechanics Full variety of sentence structures used correctly. Word choice interesting, accurate and contributes to the writer’s ability to communicate the purpose. Variety of sentence structures used correctly despite an occasional flaw. Accurate &b varied word choice. Sentences & word choice predictable. Occasional errors in sentence structure, usage & mechanics do not interfere with writer’s ability to communicate the purpose. Little sentence structure variety; wording predictable; few synonym alternatives used. Errors in sentence structure, usage &B mechanics sometimes interfere with the writer’s ability to communicate the purpose. Grammar Few, if any, minor errors in sentence construction, usage, grammar, or mechanics. There may be a few minor or major errors in sentence construction, usage, grammar, or mechanics. There are some common errors (major and minor) in sentence construction and mechanics but the writer generally demonstrates a correct sense of syntax. There are numerous minor errors and some major errors. Sentence construction is below mastery and may display a pattern of errors in usage and mechanics. APA Formatting Paper is in appropriate APA Format Paper is primarily in appropriate APA Format with minor non-distracting errors. Paper contains several errors in APA Formatting which are distracting and cause confusion. Numerous errors in APA Formatting Research Source material is incorporated logically & insightfully. Sources are documented accurately. Source material incorporated logically. Sources documented accurately. Source material incorporated adequately & usually documented accurately. Source material incorporated but sometimes inappropriately or unclearly. Documentation is accurate only occasionally.

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