Writing Appropriate Emails for Effective Communication

Writing Appropriate Emails for Effective Communication Order Instructions: Please read below for information concerning assignment. Support responses with examples and use APA formatting in the paper.

Writing Appropriate Emails for Effective Communication
Writing Appropriate Emails for Effective Communication

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Writing Appropriate E-Mails

Given below is an example of a poorly written e-mail.

To: Sylvia Greene (sgreene@financialsolutions.com)

From: Chester Goings

Subject: No Go on Baby Charity Thing

Hey, Syl, you’re one in a million. But we can’t give you time off to work on that charity fashion show/luncheon thingy you want to coordinate. And Financial Solutions can’t make a big contribution as we’ve done in previous years. It’s no, no, no, all the way around.

Look, we admire the work you have done for the Newborn Hope Foundation. It has raised millions of dollars to make differences in the lives of babies, particularly premature ones. But we need you here!

With the upcoming release of our Planning Guide 5.0, we need you to interview clients. We need you to make video testimonials, and you are the one to search for stories about customer successes. Plus a zillion other tasks! Our new website will launch in just six short weeks, and all that content stuff must be in final form. With the economy in the tank and our bare-bones staff, you certainly must realize that each and every team member must be here and making a difference. If our Planning Guide 5.0 doesn’t make a big splash, we’ll all have a lot of time off.

Due to the fact that we’re the worldwide leader in on-demand financial planning and reporting software, and in view of the fact that we are about to launch our most important new product ever, you must understand our position. When things get better, we might be able to return back to our past practices. But not now!


Your assignment is to rewrite this as a professionally written, appropriately toned e-mail. Your version of this e-mail must satisfy the following parameters:

• The subject line should be professional, informative, and include a verb.

• The opening should cordial and the topic should be introduced using the indirect method.

• The body should provide good information, be logical, discuss only one topic, and be easy to read.

• Closing should conclude with action information, dates, or deadlines, summarization of the message, and a closing thought.

Writing Appropriate Emails for Effective Communication Sample Answer

Writing Appropriate Emails

To: Sylvia Greene

From: Chester Goings (cgoings@financialsolutions.com)

Subject: No time off for Baby Charity, instead of the trend release of Planning Guide 5.0



Hi Sylvia Greene,

Thanks for all your hard work on that charity fashion show/luncheon event that you would like to coordinate. I know that you can do a fantastic job coordinating the event just like you have done in the past. I just wanted to let you know that we cannot give you time off to work on that charity show/luncheon event because during that time, all Financial Solutions employees would be needed when we will be releasing a new product.

At the moment, the firm is not able to make a significant contribution as it has done previously. I am afraid that the company would not be able to let you work on the charity fashion. We think highly of what you have done in the past for Newborn Hope Foundation. While working with New Hope Foundation and  together with others, you have been able to raise a substantial amount of money to make a difference in the lives of young babies, particularly babies who are born prematurely. This is really commendable and a great accomplishment on your part. However, Financial Solutions needs you more than ever to be here for an imminent event and no employee of this company is taking time off since everybody would be required to attend and make a difference (Lamb, 2012; Terminello & Reed, 2011).

With the upcoming release of the company’s Planning Guide 5.0 product, your cooperation would be appreciated. There are quite a few tasks that we need you to carry out to ensure a successful release of the product into the market. In particular, we would like you to talk to customers and interview them. Furthermore, we would like you to make video testimonials and search for stories with regard to customer successes, in addition to a number of other tasks that would be assigned to you during this event.

Financial Solutions’ new website would be launched soon, only six weeks from today. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all the contents of this website are actually in fine form as soon as possible. The information that you will gather after interviewing clients, making video testimonials, and searching for stories regarding customer successes would all serve as content for this new website. For this reason, your role in the upcoming release of the company’s Planning Guide 5.0 is very crucial. We believe that you can carry out these tasks in an effective manner.

At the moment, the economy is bad and the company is not making as much revenue as it used to previously when the economy was healthy. Moreover, the company does not really have a large workforce. Therefore, it is important that all team members attend the release event and make a difference. It is important to keep in mind that in case our Planning Guide 5.0 does not make a big splash in the market, then we will all have a lot of time off.

We hope you understand our position considering that Financial Solutions is the global leader in on-demand fiscal reporting and planning software, in addition to the fact that the company will be launching its most significant novel product yet very soon. When the economy gets better and things improve, we would revert to our previous practices. However, I am afraid not this time. We cannot afford to give you time off for the charity luncheon. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Chester Goings

Writing Appropriate Emails for Effective Communication References

Lamb, S. E. (2012). How to Write It. A Complete Guide to Everything you’ll ever Write. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press.

Terminello, V., & Reed, M. G. (2011). Net Effect Series: E-mail Communicate Effectively. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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