A Global Perspective in HIV Critical Thinking Directions: Please do not use online sources. I only want to reference the book and the interviews from the website provided down.
This is the textbook information:
A Global Perspective
Compiled by Donna Champeau & Karen Elliott
Directions: If you attended Bob’stalk, please refer to ?A. below; if you did not attend his talk, please refer to B. below.
A Global Perspective in HIV Critical Thinking Response Questions
Respond thoroughly to questions 1-5 below in 3-5 pages, double-spaced, and using APA formatting. Your answers must please refer to the textbook AND Bob Skinner?s talk. If you were not here the day Bob was in class, please refer to The Positive Project.
Cite your sources throughout your write-up (Skinner, 2013) OR (The Positive Project, 2000) AND (textbook
chapter author, date). Points will be deducted if you do not use the two sources. You may also reference other information that you find and that may enhance the content of your answers, but Bob Skinner/The Positive
Project and the textbook must be your primary sources of information.
A. Bob Skinner: Think about the information and experiences that Bob shared, and answer the questions below.
B. The Positive Project: Refer to http://www.thepositiveproject.org/#. First, watch 8-10 interviews that are posted on this website (each interview is brief); then, answer the following questions. Note. You will need to register for this site before watching the interviews in full.
A Global Perspective in HIV Critical Thinking Summary
1. Summarize Bob?s story as it relates to HIV, OR summarize two individuals? stories of your choice from The Positive Project. Each summary (one for Bob, two for the PP) should be one paragraph and include how the individual acquired HIV, if he or she is healthy according to WHO?s definition of health, and your impression of the individual?s quality of life.
2. The mission of The Positive Project is: ?To use the stories of people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS
to raise awareness, reduce stigma, promote prevention, encourage testing, and enhance care and
quality of life,? as is the mission the Bob?s talk. Do you think this mission is being carried out by
whichever opportunity you observed (i.e., The Positive Project, Bob)? Why or why not?
3. Is it possible for a person to live with HIV and not have it define his or her life? Why or why not? Does
where an HIV+ individual live in the world influence the answer to this question? Why or why not?
Providing examples may be helpful when answering this question.
4. How does the virus that causes AIDS not discriminate? In other words, who is at risk for HIV infection?
5. Describe at least three social issues that contribute to the disparate HIV incidence rates and
prevalence measurements across the globe.
The textbook edition is eight.