After read Prison Studies by Malcolm X

After read Prison Studies by Malcolm X Read the following essays: “How I Learned to Read and Write,” by Frederick Douglass and
“Prison Studies” by Malcolm X. What obstacles did Douglass and Malcolm X face.

After read Prison Studies by Malcolm X
After read Prison Studies by Malcolm X

two obstacles for each writer. Describe what happens and explain why it is an obstacle. Also
explain how each person overcame the obstacles. Also, you will discuss some of the obstacles
students face in pursuit of education in today’s society. What are they? Why are they obstacles?
How are they overcome? 1. According to the excerpt, what inspired Malcolm X to educate himself?  A. He wanted his letters to be more eloquent. B. He wanted to become a great leader. C. He wanted to get a job in education. D. He wanted his family to be proud of him.
2. According to the excerpt, Malcolm X began to use a dictionary to  A. acquire new vocabulary and write more neatly.  B. impress his relatives and keep himself busy. C. improve his conversations with his friends. D. assist him in understanding legal documents.

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