Agile Project Management Life Cycle and Approach

Agile Project Management Life Cycle and Approach Order Instructions: For this paper, the writer will read the uploaded article and respond with your own thoughts to the article in an edited, 3-paragraph, formal academic peer review.

Agile Project Management Life Cycle and Approach
Agile Project Management Life Cycle and Approach

At a minimum, be sure to include the following elements:

• Assess the conceptualization, analysis, and synthesis of key research concepts presented.

• Evaluate the extent to which the Presenter has addressed all the elements

• Does the presentation provide a cohesive summary of the assigned concepts with an effective evaluation of their implications for project management?

• Did the Presenter provide a meaningful academic argument or interpretation that demonstrated fluency with the material?

• Incorporate relevant scholarly resources in your posting.

It is important that the writer use relevant sources to complete this paper. The writer must refrain from “I agree” and properly analyze the article and offer constructive comments as per the instructions above.


Seminar in Project Portfolio Performance and Organizational Effectiveness

The Right Fit – Traditional, Extreme, Emertxe and Agile Project Management Life Cycle/Approach

Introduction – Project Management

Teller, Kock, and Gemunden (2014) stated leaders of economic units use projects to develop and introduce new procedures and practices, products and services, and change processes which may impact the operations and functionalities of an organization.  Effective and efficient management of the project portfolio Teller et al. asserted is essential to meeting specific requirements and strategic objectives.  In the context of project (portfolio) management Teller et al. suggested it is important to recognize the project management knowledge areas or process groups to establish a balanced understanding and approach to meeting the varying characteristics projects.  The project management knowledge areas as cited by Wysocki (2014) are:- project integration management; project scope management; project time management; project cost management; project quality management; project procurement management; and project stakeholder management.  Each knowledge area Wysocki observed represents a complement of standard concepts, tasks, tools, and focus.

Gemunden (2014) stated project management processes are initiated to manage complex tasks.  Project management Gemunden observed includes careful planning, control, and organized procedures with defined roles, teamwork, leadership, specialized knowledge and competencies, collaboration with varying culture and demographics, risk evaluation and assessment, performance measurements and cost and specification requirements based on budgets and forecasts to produce the desired results of the project.  Gmunden referenced three major themes of project management – as a behavioral discipline, a driver of productivity and a force for innovations.

What recruitment strategies do human resource managers use to attract the “right” project manager?  The project manager Ahsan, Ho and Khan (2013) stated has the responsibility to identify project requirements, establish clear and achievable objectives and achieve the standards for quality, scope time and costs, adapt to specific expectations and varying characteristics of stakeholders and manage project activities in terms of resources, uncertainties, and risks.  The ultimate outcome of the project Ahsan et al. observed is dependent on the knowledge, experience and skill sets of the project manager.  The role of the project manager Ahsan et al. conceded includes administrative, leadership, negotiation, problem-solving, conflict management and technical functions duties, with a strategic perspective to fulfill the scope and variations of the project deliverables and responsibilities.

Approaches to Project Management Life Cycle (PMLC)

To fulfill the requirements of this assignment I will discuss four approaches to project management – traditional, agile, extreme and emerge.

Traditional project management (TPM) – project management first order (PM – 1) and project management second order (PM – 2)

With the rapid changes in the economic environment and technological advancements, Saynisch (2012) stated business leaders are challenged to be more proactive in their response mechanisms to maintain a firm grasp on increased complexities in a more systematic approach to project management.  The traditional approach to project management – project management first order (PM – 1) Saynisch asserted involves rigid and detailed execution practices and procedures, limited scope, capacity and perspective as it relates to the strategic imperatives of the organization.  While the goals, objectives, and solutions of project management first order are clearly defined Wysocki (2014) observed the continuous and fundamental changes in science and technology can be viewed as the contributing factors that have served to influence new insight to project management.

Based on the concepts of PM – 1 Wysocki affirmed the project team has defined roles and goals that are standard and change-intolerant, and they must conform to time and budget constraints and observe plan-driven specifications to deliver project requirements rather than business value.  In today’s fast-paced, solutions-driven and ever-changing global economic environment Wysocki conceded the concepts, delivery, and functionalities of PM – 1 are not suitable to solve the competitive, dynamic, advanced and complex requirements of more systems-oriented and innovative project deliverables.  Project managers use the concepts of the project management second order (PM – 2) Saynisch asserted as the solution to the challenges of PM -1.  Saynisch described PM – 2 as the new standard towards a more trans-disciplinary and integrative approach to project management.

Extreme (xPM) and Emertxe (PMx) Approach

Extreme (xPM)

            Both extreme and emertxe approaches Wysocki posited utilize the same project life cycle models but with dissimilar purposes in mind.  Project managers and their teams Gale (2011) stated may not always have the opportunity to complete projects in familiar working conditions, and will, on occasion have to complete scheduled activities in unfamiliar and extreme environments.  With the extreme project management approach, Wysocki observed project managers and their teams start with a goal in mind and search for a solution; while with the emertxe approach they start with a solution and search for a goal.  Wysocki described the intent of extreme project management as uncertain, unstructured and complex.  To achieve success for projects in extreme environments Gale (2011) suggested project managers must demonstrate innovativeness and creativity in their leadership, achieve and maintain teams’ motivation to complete the schedule of events and understanding of the tasks to be accomplished, demonstrate sustainable pre-planning and remarkable planning abilities to meet project requirements. For project managers and their teams working in extreme environments, Gale conceded extreme conditions may come in the form of weather conditions, political upheaval, armed/unarmed conflicts, and working in remote locations and experience lengthy delays in receiving priority resources.

 Emertxe (PMx)

            The main intent of the project manager who uses the emertxe approach Wysocki asserted is to ascertain the goal for a particular solution and use the goal to create business value.  Wysocki posited the emertxe project management approach is best suited in conditions imposed by disruptive technology to create e-business websites and solutions and other projects that involve problem-solving prospects.

Agile Project management (APM)

            Agile project management practices Wysocki stated are best suited for complex projects such as information technology systems and software development, where the goals are described/identified at the outset but the solutions are unknown.  Wysocki asserted agile project managers who use agile project management to complete the requirements of their projects are more adaptive and flexible to the prevailing situations under which the work.  Agile project management practices combined with Scrum concepts Jahr (2014) observed help project managers focus more on working software rather than conforming to strict schedules which are process-oriented.  Jahr posited in software projects with defined specifications, objectives, deadlines, budgets and strict targets project managers use Scrum to manage strategic aims.  Based on the functionalities of agile project management Wysocki stated both clients and end-user benefit from the business value created by the project, experience the solutions over short periods and have the opportunity to provide feedback about modifications and additions.

Agile Project Management Life Cycle and Approach Conclusions

Zeynalian, Trigunarsyah, and Ronagh (2013) stated budgetary, resource and time constraints are two of the main factors that impact the on-time delivery of project requirements.  To meet deadlines, complete projects within budget, and minimize the risk of project failure Zeynalian et al. suggested project managers must be equipped with the appropriate knowledge and competencies, tools, efficient human capabilities, and adequate material resources and effective decision-making support.  Based on the specifications outlined in the project manifesto Zeynalian et al. observed project managers use varying statistical models to fulfill the requirements of the project, balance risks, and uncertainties and identify potential alternatives.  Lee, Reinicke, Sarkar, and Anderson (2015) believed project managers have a unique position in their organization.  Project managers Lee et al. proposed are tasked with the responsibility to select the most suitable model/approach they will use to achieve the aims and objectives of the project.

In my opinion information in the literature review suggests, while the traditional, agile, extreme and emertxe models have varying characteristics each approach is selected based on the prevailing environmental conditions, business climate, budget, resource and time constraints, the characteristics of the organization and the aims and objectives of the project.  Peng and Huang (2014) conceded project schedule and activities are subject to significant uncertainties and risks.  Project managers Peng and Huang concluded are challenged to execute the requisite skill sets to maintain control of and sustain motivation among team-members to be successful in their initiatives.

 Agile Project Management Life Cycle and Approach References

Ahsan, K., Ho, M., & Khan, S. (2013).  Recruiting project managers:  A comparative analysis of             competencies and recruitment signals from job advertisements.  Project Management         Journal, 44(5), 36-54.  doi:10.1002/pmj.21366.

Gale, S. (2011).  Extreme project management.  PM Network, 25(6), 26-32.  Retrieved from   

Gmunden, H. (2014).  Project management as a behavioral discipline and as a driver for productivity and innovations.  Project Management Journal, 45(6), 2-6.  doi:10.1002/pmj.21466.

Jahr, M. (2014).  A hybrid approach to quantitative software project scheduling within agile frameworks.  Project Management Journal, 45(3), 35-45.  doi:10.1002/pmj.21411.

Lee, L., Reinicke, B., Sarkar, R., & Anderson, R. (2015).  Learning through interactions:  Improving project management through communities of practice.  Project Management           Journal, 46(1), 40-52.  doi:10.1002/pmj.21473.

Peng, W., & Huang, M. (2014).  A critical chain project scheduling method based on a      differential evolution algorithm.  International Journal of Production Research, 52(13),            3940-3949.  doi:10.1080/00207543.2013.865091.

Saynisch, M. (2010).  Beyond frontiers of traditional project management:  An approach to evolutionary, self-organizational principles and the complexity theory-results of the research program.  Project Management Journal, 41(2), 21-37.  doi:10.1002/pmj.20159

Teller, J., Kock, A., & Gemunden, H. (2014).  Risk management in project portfolio is more than just managing project risks:  A contingency perspective on risk management.  Project   Management Journal, 45(4), 67-80.  doi:10.1002/pmj.21431.

Wysocki, R. (2014). Effective project management: Traditional, agile, extreme                                (7th ed.).  Indianapolis, IN John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Zeynalian, M., Trigunarsyah, B., Ronagh, H. (2013).  Modification of advanced programmatic risk analysis and management model for the whole project life cycle’s risks.  Journal of Construction, Engineering & Management, 139(1), 51-59.  doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000571.

Agile Project Management Life Cycle and Approach Sample Answer

Awesome article! Project management plays a significant contribution in attaining company profitability and helps in achieving the long term strategies of an organization. When a company acknowledges innovation, new projects are launched by the company through project management, implementation, and management of time, cost, and the quality of the project. Other processes that can be initiated include project scope administration and project procurement management. The author outlines clearly that the above processes are used to control complicated tasks and ensure that all principles of management, teamwork, leadership, specialized knowledge and competencies, culture and demographics, risk management, performance measurement, cost, and budget are taken into consideration in order to yield the expected project results. I found this part of the article to be in line with Kerzner’s (2013) study of project management.

The presenter provides an in-depth review of how various approaches have been used to describe the life cycle of project management. For instance, the article highlights clearly that the traditional approach emphasizes the economic environment and technological advancement (Schwalbe, 2015). The project managers should be dynamic and flexible in order to adapt to these changes.  Secondly, the extreme and Emertxe approaches state that the managers may not be in a position to complete the projects in similar working condition (Verzuh, 2015).  The managers have to formulate a goal on which they must have a solution for extreme project management and vice versa for Emertxe project management. The project manager handling the extreme project management must be innovative enough. According to Emertxe approach, the project manager should advance technologically by opening websites for searching business values (Schwalbe, 2015).  Lastly, the agile approach is used to deal with complex projects where the goals are known but the solutions are difficult to find.

It can be concluded that, in order to see the project to completion within the stipulated time and within the allocated budget, the project manager should be equipped with appropriate skills. This will ensure that the project manager recognizes the project requirement, establishes a clear and achievable level that will be within project’s quality, time and cost, stakeholder management and be able to control risks that may affect the project (Turner, 2014).

Agile Project Management Life Cycle and Approach References

Kerzner, H. R. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Schwalbe, K. (2015). Information technology project management. Cengage Learning.

Turner, J. R. (2014). The handbook of project-based management (Vol. 92). McGraw-hill.

Verzuh, E. (2015). The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley & Sons

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