An Open Letter to the CEO of Apple Company

An Open Letter to the CEO of Apple Company Order Instructions: Please make sure that all the referencing are in Harvard style, and follow the following instructions please:

An Open Letter to the CEO of Apple Company
An Open Letter to the CEO of Apple Company

In the Talent Development module, you wrote an ‘open letter’ to your manager making suggestions as to how your organization could take advantage of talent development.

This final PDP Assignment follows a similar notion. You are now required to write an ‘open letter’ (of approximately 830 words) to the CEO of your organisation (or an organisation to which you are familiar) making suggestions as to how they should enhance an aspect of their existing HR policies.

In this final week’s PDP Assignment, you will reflect upon how you can apply what you have learned in this module relating to HR policy development.

In completing the ‘open letter’ to your organisation’s CEO, consider:

• What aspects of the HR policies should be updated?
• Why should this be updated?
• What are the important considerations when updating the policy?
• What have you learned from this module that can inform this work?

An Open Letter to the CEO of Apple Company Sample Answer

An Open Letter to the CEO of Apple Company

Dear CEO

In full consideration of the urgency of the organization in developing policies that enhance the functions of HRM in order to take advantage of talent development, we, the undersigned, request the company to:

  1. Consider some of the aspects of HR policies that need to be updated
  2. Establish the reasons why these policies should be updated.
  3. Consider some of the essential attributes that need to be considered when updating these policies.
  4. The inclusion of learned information in informing this approach.

One of the essential things to understand is the need for Apple to ensure that it’s HR policies are dynamic and not static. This approach requires the company’s human resource managers to revise these policies and add to some of the areas that need amends to address the organization’s goals and missions, as well as the ever changing trends of the workforce, legislation and economic considerations (Arthur, Herdman, & Jaewan, 2016, pp.420). Apple Inc consequently needs to ensure that it updates HP policies on its data security in order to effectively manage the functions of the organization.

Considered as the first generation that integrates the proponents of technology in life, generation Y has resorted to natural abilities and skills in technology directed towards improving the efficiency of this organization. However, the ever changing phase of the world as a result of technological evolution has brought new changes within this organization, thus requiring the organization to ensure that its organizational data is protected from cyber-attacks or loss (Diamond& Hamilton, 2016, pp.6). This approach will ensure that the organization’s HR policies are enhanced to deal with data breaches, and the mismanagement of the company’s important information. This approach will ensure that the HRM reviews the current data protection policies that may have changed as a result of practice and conducting background checks on its employees and ensuring that their performance and discipline is closely monitored throughout their period of employment.

Secondly, Apple Inc would need to ensure that it’s HR policies that address its employee’s dress code are also revised. The company’s client’s first impression is vitally made by its employee’s appearance. The manner in which Apple’s employees present themselves sets the tone that makes or breaks decisions within the organization (Creelman, 2015, pp.17). During cold weather, the employees may be prompted to wear warm clothes that need to be clearly defined in Apples HR policies. In as much as the company may promote these attires, other employees may set their own individual standards by putting on inappropriate cloths, with this element efficiently defined in the Apple’s  HR policy.

Lastly, Apple may also consider revising its HR policies directed towards addressing the issues the organization encounters during recession. In as much as the organization may emerge from the effects of the recession, it is significant for the HRM to understand the recession results in massive grievances and disciplinary issues among its employees, an aspect that requires the update of Apple’s HR policies (Ruddle, 2016, pp.5). This will ensure that the organization is in compliance with the termination processes and other elements.

It is consequently essential to establish that Apple’s approach in having HR policy’s may not cover it completely, thus requiring the organization to ensure that it puts efforts in raising the employee’s awareness for its policies and that these policies are reviewed frequently. A review of HR policies may be attributed to the ever changing laws and regulations (Guest, & Woodrow, 2012, pp.110). This requires the organization to establish some of the areas that are irrelevant and rewrite the sections. Apple will ensure that copies of these policies are redistributed to the employees. The employees will then be required to append their signatures in acknowledging they are in full agreement with the updates in the policies.

To ensure that these policies are fully updated within Apple, the acquisition of the organizations management’s support in the process, especially in cases where the policies define the employee’s behaviors remains essential.  The endorsement of the revised policies by the senior management will give the employees the gist to take these policies seriously (Ladge,, pp. 160). In addition to this, the inclusion of the staff members in the process would result in a greater understanding and awareness in updating these policies. The staff members will be in a position to establish their views and suggestions in regards to these policies in order to address the unintentional outcomes of these policies upon implementation.

In this case, it is significant to establish that some of the elements learned in this module would be effective in achieving this goal within this organization. One of the essential elements that I learned and that can impact the functions of Apple include the need to revise these policies by first establishing the priorities of the organization that are consequently split to determine the amount of time  since these policies were reviewed (Armstrong, 2014, pp.30). Once this process is achieved, the HRM needs to assist the managers within the organization in implementing these policies and effectively communicating them to the employees. Apple should therefore initiate efforts as detailed in this letter in order to effectively enhance its HR policies that impact its functions.




An Open Letter to the CEO of Apple Company References

Armstrong, M. 2014, ‘Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice’, 13th ed. London: Kogan Page.pp.12-45, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. Retrived From:

Arthur, J, Herdman, A, & Jaewan, Y 2016, ‘How Top Management Hr Beliefs And Values Affect High-Performance Work System Adoption And Implementation Effectiveness’, Human Resource Management, 55, 3, pp. 413-435, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 9 June 2016. Retrived From:

Creelman, D 2015, ‘HR in the Middle (Hot) Seat: Implementing the Right Talent Management System’, Workforce Solutions Review, 6, 5, pp. 15-18, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 9 June 2016. Retrived From:

Diamond, T, & Hamilton, P 2016, ‘6 issues to consider when updating your employee handbook’, HR Specialist: Pennsylvania Employment Law, 11, 5, p. 6, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 13 July 2016. Retrived From:

Guest, D.E. & Woodrow, C. 2012, ‘Exploring the boundaries of human resource managers’ responsibilities’, Journal of Business Ethics, 111 (1), pp.109-119. Retrived From:

Ladge, J, Humberd, B, Baskerville Watkins, M, & Harrington, B 2015, ‘Updating The Organization Man: An Examination Of Involved Fathering In The Workplace’, Academy Of Management Perspectives, 29, 1, pp. 152-171, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 13 July 2016. Retrived From:

Ruddle, I 2016, ‘Understanding the New HR Services Operating Models’, Workforce Solutions Review, 7, 1, pp. 4-7, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 13 July 2016. Retrived From:

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