Analyzing Character Development Sequences in the Film

Analyzing Character Development Sequences in the Film Write a 3-page typed, double-spaced paper analyzing character development as shown through movement sequences in the film. your paper should discuss a minimum of three detailed scenes as examples which illustrate the character and/or plot development.

Analyzing Character Development Sequences in the Film
Analyzing Character Development Sequences in the Film

PLEASE DO NOT SUMMARIZE THE FILM–I HAVE SEEN IT! YOU WILL  RECEIVE A ZERO IF YOU PROVIDE ME WITH A SUMMARY WITHOUT ANALYSIS. I would like you to instead discuss the role of dance in the film–how are the dance sequences used to develop the plot and/or individual characters and relationships? what makes the dances significant or important in the film?
in above I typed what my professor asked us to do! please please do exactly what she asked! write about the movements, explain if its modern hip-hop, ballet or more… and also explain what includes in the dances for example kicks, turns, rolling, jumps or more…and please watch the whole movie! do not go read about the movie anywhere and type! just watch the movie and write! this is the final paper I want to get a good grade on it! please write it really simple do not use any hard words!
here is the movie it’s on youtube:

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