Analyzing the Audience for a TED Talk

Analyzing the Audience for a TED Talk
Analyzing the Audience for a TED Talk

Analyzing the Audience for a TED Talk

Discussion Board
Unit 3 DB: Analyzing the Audience for a TED Talk
Review the TED Talk, How I Use Art to Bridge Misunderstanding, located in the Readings and Resources section, then consider who you think the target audience is for the talk.

Who is the speaker trying to reach through this talk?
How does the target audience influence how the speaker created and organized the talk?
Select one example from the TED Talk and paraphrase it when you answer these questions. After the paraphrase, include the following in-text citation: (Judith, 2017)
In response to your classmates, explain why you agree or disagree with who they listed as the target audience. What do you think are reasons for any differences in opinion you may have?

Post your initial thread by 11:59 p.m. EST, Wednesday of Unit 3, with at least two replies to classmates posted by 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 3.
Discussion Board
Unit 3 DB: Analyzing the Audience for a TED Talk
Review the TED Talk, How I Use Art to Bridge Misunderstanding, located in the Readings and Resources section, then consider who you think the target audience is for the talk.

Who is the speaker trying to reach through this talk?
How does the target audience influence how the speaker created and organized the talk?
Select one example from the TED Talk and paraphrase it when you answer these questions. After the paraphrase, include the following in-text citation: (Judith, 2017)

** Review the following video to prepare for this week’s discussion board:
Judith, A. (2017). How I use art to bridge misunderstanding [Video file]. TED.

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