Bias and Assumptions Research Assignment

Bias and Assumptions
Bias and Assumptions

Bias and Assumptions

Find a media report on a current event related to US government that is biased (preferably one that has a different bias than your own).

  • Describe the article
  • What are the assumptions and biases of the reporters?
  • What is the lens through which you view this topic?
  • Identify and describe an alternative lens through which a person could view this topic.
  • How do your attitudes and beliefs about this topic compare to those of other groups of people within the United States?

Political Science Common Assessment
This is the homework for the Media Chapter

Bias and Assumptions

  • Student will be able to analyze their own and others’ biases and assumptions
  • Discuss how their own attitudes and beliefs compare to those of other cultures and communities
  • Analyze one’s own and others’ assumptions

(In real English)

Write a 2-4 page paper addressing the following:
Find a media report on a current event related to US government that is biased (preferably one that has a different bias than your own).

  • Describe the article
  • What are the assumptions and biases of the reporters?
  • What is the lens through which you view this topic?
  • Identify and describe an alternative lens through which a person could view this topic.
  • How do your attitudes and beliefs about this topic compare to those of other groups of people within the United States?

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