Apple vs Microsoft
Research, Analyze, and compare two companies or organizations that you think would be extremely re warding to work for, and present your findings in a formal written report. In selecting companies, you may reach as high and far as you like in any sector (think dream organizations) to find an organization where you might fully realize your goals.
-Using variety of sources to research
-Analyze the mission, benefits, and disadvantages of two organizations and their standing in in your field(Computer science)
-Reporting on what the organizations have to offer people
Body(text) for each of the companies
-Brief history(In simple words)
-Your analysis of it”s current position, Including
Market, audience or constituents and competitors
Financial position
reputation in the field(Computer science)
Future prospects(Opportunities and challenges)
-Employment opportunities and conditions (in simple words) Including
openings, hiring policies and salaries, workplace amenities
-This is where you synthesize what you have
learned and make a judgement call: based on
you research, What do you think would be the
better organization to work for, given you
goals and needs?
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