Application for the Position of a Tutor

Application for the Position of a Tutor
Application for the Position of a Tutor

Application for the Position of a Tutor

Order Instructions:

this is my application of tutor of my school and i don’t need too long answer of each question, i can support some my basic information. thank you very much. If you have some other questions or need more details of my information, please let me know.


Application for the Position of a Tutor

Describe your background experience with community service or service learning.  If you have experience in Chicago, please specify. Do you have any prior tutoring or experience working with children or young adults? Please explain. 

Among my career choices, there is nothing I ever have liked more than being a tutor. I love working with children, but more especially, giving back to the community in a robust way. As such, community service is my passion, and I endeavor to develop my skills further to enhance my service delivery to the children. Currently, I teach children the Chinese language at the Hyde Park Chinese school of the University of Chicago, where I operate as a part-time tutor. In addition, I also have some experience as a math teacher, as well as English for middle school students in China.

What subject areas would you be most comfortable tutoring: elementary/high school students (reading/math/science/technology/writing/etc.)? Explain.

As mentioned above, I am more comfortable tutoring high school students, and I can work with a combination of math and science, but major in math. This is because I hold a Master’s degree in Information Systems.

How will tutoring contribute to your learning and development at school and to your future professional goals?

If I am given this chance to become a tutor, I will have personally achieved my career objectives, and I will use the opportunity to further develop my skills, experience, and expertise in my chosen subjects, as well as in the art of teaching. I plan to become a university lecturer in future, and I think being a tutor will develop in me requisite skills needed for such higher career levels.

What is your level of familiarity/experience with the CTA public transportation system in Chicago?  Are you comfortable using it to navigate the entire city?

I am quite familiar with the CTA public transportation system in Chicago, since I have been in the States for quite some time. I am particularly comfortable with it, and I feel it is a revolutionary design for managing public transport. I hope my application for this tutoring position is considered.

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