Apply reflective practice, critical thinking and analysis in health

Apply reflective practice, critical thinking and analysis in health
Apply reflective practice, critical thinking and analysis in health

Apply reflective practice, critical thinking and analysis in health

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Total 17 questions
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Apply reflective practice, critical thinking and analysis in health

  1. Functions of Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)

The board plays various roles in ensuring that nurses execute their roles well. One of the roles is to register nurses and midwifery practitioners as well as students. This registration allows the board to have a clear picture of the nursing professional to ensure that they deliver better services. The board as well has the responsibilities of developing codes, standards and guidelines for the nurses and midwifery professions. It also handles various complaints, notifications, and investigations and hears disciplinary cases (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, (NMBA), 2014). The board assesses oversees trained health practitioners that have an interest to working in Australia. Lastly, the board approves accreditation standards as well as courses of study.

  1. Use of National Competency Standards for the Enrolled Nurse

These national competency standards are critical in helping to assess the performance of the registered nurses to establish whether they are competent enough to execute their responsibilities. These standards provide a framework to assess these nurses competence to determine whether they qualify to be retained or dismissal from their responsibilities. The standards as well assess nurses with education overseas that seek to work in Australia, assess them when they return to work after breaks in the service and whether the nurses comply with the professional codes of conduct (Nursing National Competency Standards 2013).


  1. Professional codes and guidelines an Enrolled Nurse need to follow to ensure legal ethical practices adherence.

Nurses must adhere to professional codes and guidelines when executing their responsibilities. This aims to ensure that they provide quality care to their patients.  Some of the professional codes include, respect and treatment of all the clients, trust,   privacy and confidentiality, autonomy, duty of care and public liability among many others (Dekking, Van der Graaf & van Delden 2014).  Nurses must ensure that they preserve the privacy of the patients. They as well must act with diligent to save the lives of the patients (Nursing National Competency Standards 2002). Nurses are also expected to respect their patients, colleagues and the family members as they execute their services to the patients.

  1. Nurse theories of any three of the following nursing theorists

Various theorists have developed different nursing theories. For instance, Florence Nightingale developed Environmental theory; Virginia Henderson developed Need Theory while Dorothea Orem developed self-care theory.

  1. The benefits of the shift from hospital training (the student nurse as an apprentice) to the tertiary sector Diploma for Enrolled Nurse and Bachelor Degree for Registered Nurses education

This shift is very beneficial because it has allowed the nurse practitioners to acquire in-depth knowledge and skills about the professional. Theories define how practical are carried out. Therefore, by requiring the enrolled nurse to purse diplomas and degree it gives them a very firm foundation about the nursing settings.  Furthermore, this shift as well orients the nurse practitioners to different environments (Bogaert, Clarke, & Willems & Mondelaers 2013). They can learn socialization skills and other valuable skills in colleagues which they may not learn at the hospital setting. Furthermore, students at colleges and university as well participate in practical and are required to go for an attachment in a health facility where they gain more practical skills that help them to become experienced and competent when they are recruited.

  1. 4 contemporary work environments enrolled Nurse could work in

Enrolled nurses can work in various environments provided they have appropriate skills to execute their duties in those environments. One of the work environments is at the health facility. They can render their services in the health facility that provides various nursing services to patients (Cleary et al., 2012). They can as well work as administrators in a health facility. They help to formulate policies and make decisions pertaining to healthcare. The other setting is online where they provide advices and counseling services to the patients (Huddleston 2014). They can as well through online prescribe medication to the patients. This is facilitated by information technology such as internet and telephones. Another environment is to work with the community to provide preventive healthcare as well as curative care to the members of the community.

  1. Description of models of  delivering nursing care  and likely setting for each

Task oriented (functional nursing) models of delivering nursing care

This model allows the nurse practitioners to handle the tasks they have specialized in. This ensures that appropriate nurses that have special knowledge attend to certain patients with specific needs (Cann & Gardner 2012). This model is applied in various departments in the hospital setting. For instance, nurses that deal with children are assigned in the pediatric department because they have the requisite skills to execute their responsibilities.

Team nursing

Team nursing model requires that nurses work as a team to address a problem. These are tasks that cannot be executed by a single nurse and therefore, participation is important to delivering successful nursing (Cann & Gardner 2012). Example where this model is applied in medical wards and surgery wards.

Client assignment

This model provides insights on how nurses are expected to deal with their clients at the health facilities. This model is applied in general health setting, as nurse must understand how to get along with various clients.

Primary nursing

Primary nursing model of delivering nursing is geared at preventing diseases to enhance better healthcare (Cann & Gardner 2012). Nurses using this model work with the community members to control health care. They as well work in school setting to help create awareness about various diseases to help the community members adopt measures to prevent their spread.

  1. Attributes of critical thinking

Critical thinking involves many attributes. Critical thinkers evaluate various sources of information before making any conclusions (Nashville State Community College 2014). They assess arguments and statements and have a sense of curiosity. They examine beliefs, opinions, and assumptions and weigh them against facts (Bardach 2011). They are good listeners and make judgment after accessing to facts.

  1. What are best practice guidelines?

Best practice guidelines are processes or techniques used as benchmarks to ensure that quality standard set are met. Best practices must have been tested and shown some sense of consistency in their outcomes to be relied upon and applied in other settings to help improve the quality standards (Gitau, Gburek & Jarrett 2005).

  1. Some of the cultural and religious considerations for nursing practice

There are a number of cultural and religious considerations for nursing practices. Nursing must therefore understand these considerations to provide quality care to the patients. Some of the cultural considerations, includes, the cultural beliefs and norms of the community such as their attitude to treatment, their behaviors in line with accessibility to healthcare. Some cultures or communities embrace traditional forms of medication and it becomes difficult to convince them to go to hospitals (Stone, Stone-Romero & Lukaszewski, 2007).  Religious considerations include the faith of the patient, their doctrine and their approach to health.  Different religious affiliation should different views when it comes to health and healing processes. For instance, Christians provide support to the sick through prayers and visitation

  1. Benefits of performance appraisal processes and practices

Performance appraisal processes and practices have various benefits. One of them is allows the supervisors and employee to share on various aspects that can be addressed o help foster productivity (Macmillan, Huddleston, Woolley & Fothergill 2003).  They as well help to determine whether the goals set have been achieved. They also encourage better future performance. Appraisals, as well motivates employees as it allows recognition of those that have excelled in their duties (Gitau, Gburek & Jarrett 2005. It also provides insights on the need to training and development of employees to trigger high productivity (Maley & Kramar 2007).

  1. Evidence based practice (EBP) in nursing

EBP is practice that focus on critical thinking as well as outcomes. Nurses are expected to use their academic knowledge and research information and incorporate it into the real world settings to gain insights and understanding of how to apply it in patient situations, nurses therefore need to look for quality improved data and expert opinions to meet the needs of their patients.

  1. What the term ‘Reflective practice’ mean?

Reflective practice is where practitioners evaluate their decisions with facts before relying on it. They must understand the consequences of their decisions or actions when delivering health care to patients. This therefore, helps to enhance quality of healthcare as precautions are taken to avoid unexpected consequences or results.

  1. What is quality improvement and accreditation in health

Quality improvement in health care is initiatives undertaken to ensure positive health outcomes. This process involves carrying out correction measures on all the systems to ensure that quality healthcare is provided. Some of the initiatives includes, providing enough equipment and good facilities in healthcare, training and recruiting of skilled and experienced health providers among many others (Goldfield Institute of Technology 2014). Accreditation in healthcare is getting certified by independent institutions as having met all the requirement to deliver quality healthcare. To be accredited, a health facility and practitioners must meet the minimum requirements.

  1. What are some of the age and gender related issues for nursing practice?

Age and gender related issues for nurse practice includes, the required age for an individual to join nursing professional and the recommended retirement date.  Gender issues have been experienced in various parts of the world.  Most of the societies have been adamant to allow male join nursing profession as it is viewed as a women profession. This perceptions and stereotypes have as well affected the number of people that have joined the profession.

  1. List of National Law Acts for each state/Territory under which nursing is practiced

In Australia there are six states managed by a premier.  Every state has got its own constitutions and can make legislations and laws pertaining to health and nursing practices. The six states include South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia (Australia Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, (AHPRA) 2014).   As well, ten territories in Australia have passed various legislations pertaining to nursing practice and health care with the aim of promoting and improving healthcare in general. These laws in most cases have similarities. They define the professional codes of conduct of nurses and other laws governing the practice of nursing in quest to promote quality healthcare (Queensland 2014).

  1. Discuss educational and career opportunities for Enrolled/Division 2 nurses

Those nurses enrolled for division 2 nurses have an opportunity to pursue a diploma. They are trained on nursing practices that makes them eligible to assist registered nurses to execute their duties in healthcare. They can monitor a patient vital signs administer medications, dress wounds, admit and discharge patients and assist doctor in theater with various medical procedures. These division 2 nurses have an opening to further their career in nursing. They can advance in this field by pursuing higher education as they gain experience in the hospitals.


Australia Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. (AHPRA) 2014, Legislation. Retrieved from:   

Bardach, E 2011, A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Bogaert, P, Clarke, S, Willems, R,&Mondelaers, M 2013, ‘Nurse practice environment,     workload, burnout, job outcomes, and quality of care in psychiatric hospitals: a structural equation model approach’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 69 no. 7, pp. 1515-1524.

Budin, W, Brewer, C,  Chao, Y, & Kovner, C 2013, ‘ Verbal Abuse From Nurse Colleagues and Work Environment of Early Career Registered Nurses’, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, Vol. 45 no. 3, pp. 308-316.

Cann, T, & Gardner, A 2012, ‘Change for the better: An innovative Model of Care delivering     positive patient and workforce outcomes’,  In Collegian, vol. 19 no. 2, pp. 107-113.

Cleary, M et al., 2012, ‘Views and experiences of mental health nurses working with      undergraduate assistants in nursing in an acute mental health setting’, International  Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Vol. 21 no. 2, pp. 184-190.

Dekking, S,  Van der Graaf, R, & van Delden, J 2014, ‘Strengths and weaknesses of guideline    approaches to safeguard voluntary informed consent of patients within a dependent relationship’, BMC Medicine. Vol. 12 no. 1, pp. 1-31

Gitau, M, Gburek, W, & Jarrett, A 2005, ‘A tool for estimating best management practice             effectiveness for phosphorus pollution control’,  Journal of Soil and Water Conservation vol. 60, pp. 1-10.

Goldfield Institute of Technology, 2014. Diploma of nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing). Retrieved from:,-    education-and-community-services/nursing-and-aged-care/diploma-of-nursing-            %28enrolleddivision-2-nursing%29/

Huddleston, P 2014, ‘Healthy Work Environment Framework Within an Acute Care Setting’,  Journal of Theory Construction & Testing, Vol. 18 no. 2, pp. 50-54.

Macmillan, J, Huddleston, T, Woolley, M, & Fothergill, K 2003, ‘Best management practice         development to minimize environmental impact from large flow-through trout farms’,     Aquaculture. Vol. 226, pp. 91-99.

Maley, J, & Kramar, R 2007, ‘International Performance Appraisal: Policies, Practices and        Processes in Australian Subsidiaries of Healthcare MNCs’, Research & Practice in Human Resource Management, Vol. 15 no. 2, pp. 1-15.

Nashville State Community College 2014, Critical thinking initiative. Retrieved from:   

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (NMBA), (2014). About NMBA. Retrieved from:   

Nursing National Competency Standards. 2013, Everything you need to know. Retrieved from:   

Nursing National Competency Standards. 2002, Nursing National Competency Standards  for the Enrolled Nurses. Retrieved from:

Queensland 2014, Health practitioner regulation National Law (Queensland). Retrieved    from:          w.pdf

Stone, D, Stone-Romero, E, & Lukaszewski, K 2007, ‘The impact of cultural values on the acceptance and effectiveness of human resource management policies and practices,’ In  The Status of Theory and Research in Human Resource Management: Where Have We Been and Where Should We Go From Here?, Human Resource Management Review, vol. 17 no. 2, pp. 152-165.

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