Incorporating Tele-Health Into Disease Surveillance

Incorporating Tele-Health Into Disease Surveillance
Incorporating Tele-Health Into Disease Surveillance

Incorporating Tele-Health Into Disease Surveillance

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Incorporating Tele-Health Into Disease Surveillance

This week, you explored how tele-health systems are used not only as a method of dispensing health advice, but also as a system of surveillance. For this component of your Scholar-Practitioner Project, apply your knowledge of tele-health systems to the disease surveillance system you are developing ( Tuberculosis).

Write a 1- to 2-page paper that:

Describes how tele-health could be incorporated into the surveillance system you are creating for the disease/condition you selected.
Explains the implications of tele-health for the surveillance of the disease/condition you selected.

Analyzes the benefits and challenges of incorporating the tele-health system into your disease surveillance system.


Incorporation of Tele-Health in the Surveillance of Tuberculosis

Recent decades have witnessed systematic application of emerging technology in the modern healthcare system. Therefore, the incorporation of Tele-Health in the treatment of tuberculosis will be critical in minimizing its effects on patients and the entire society.  The surveillance of tuberculosis largely revolves around the assessment of the current prevalence rate, creating awareness, and the treatment and control of the health challenges in the society. Tele-Health will offer a reliable opportunity for assessing the current prevent rate essential in the identification of the most effective intervention measures. Tele-Health will also be useful in measuring the effect of tuberculosis on the infected patients. The technology will also facilitate the application of modern technology in the treatment of tuberculosis (Cooper, 2007). In addition, the Tele-Health will be applicable in syndrome surveillance especially in developed states.


Based on the available empirical data, the collection and analysis of tuberculosis data is critical in facilitating the development of reliable population-based strategy for addressing the health challenge. As a result, the adoption of modern technology to strengthen the surveillance process is critical in addressing the witnessed tuberculosis challenge. Effective linkage of Tele-Health data through electronic means to customer based products and disease management systems will be essential in making data available to health professionals in a timely and effective manner. The data will also facilitate effective and timely evaluation and treatment of all individuals infected with tuberculosis and other related health challenges. In addition, Tele-Health will help in integrating various organisations essential in dealing with emerging tuberculosis challenges. Systematic integration of healthcare organisations, telecommunication sector, and modern technology will be critical in offering a lasting solution in the treatment of tuberculosis in the modern society. However, in order to progress in modern health care systematic, all involved stakeholders should be adequately educated on the significant of applying the technology in assessing contemporary health challenges. Furthermore, public health agencies, policymakers, and health professional have a collective mandate of formulating and adopting effective policies and guidelines for enhancing and supporting effective application of Tele-Health in the treatment of tuberculosis

Challenges and benefits of Tele-Health in the surveillance and treatment of tuberculosis

So far, the use of modern technology including Tele-Health has proved effective in supporting the surveillance and reporting of tuberculosis data to the relevant authority. Through effective application of Tele-Health, government health agencies will get faster and timely update on critical information essential in the treatment of tuberculosis. Furthermore, Tele-Health will be effective in facilitating effective linkage between various professionals and institutions in the treatment of tuberculosis. Modern technology will also lead to effective and timely coordination among various stakeholders in the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis. Additionally, Tele-Health support intensive researches and survey on the spread and the effect of tuberculosis on the modern society. Modern health professionals and scholars will rely on modern technology such as Tele-Health in collecting data essential in the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis

On the contrary, effective application of Tele-Health will require effective standardisation of healthcare systems that include adoption of a reliable protocol for uploading information to the system. The adoption of modern technology in the contemporary healthcare system is a complicated and costly process. Therefore, modern healthcare institutions will encounter severe challenges in investing in modern software and hardware critical in facilitating the effective application of Tele-Health.  Besides, lack of effective and reliable policies and regulations is a setback that hinders effective application of Tele-Health in the surveillance of tuberculosis infections in the modern society. Consequently, to progress in enhancing effective application of modern technology in the surveillance of tuberculosis, health professionals and policymakers have the responsibility of creating reliable policies for supporting the application of Tele-Health in the modern healthcare system (Blumenthal, 2009)


Blumenthal, D (2009). Stimulating the adoption of health information technology. New England Journal of Medicine, 360, (1), 1477-1479

Cooper, D. (2007). Use of tele-health data for syndrome surveillance in England and Wales: A public health informatics approach. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Inter-science

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