Autobiography Scholarly Research

Autobiography Scholarly Research Description
The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on significant life experiences and connect these experiences to course concepts, psychological theory(ies), and scholarly research.

Autobiography Scholarly Research
Autobiography Scholarly Research

Autobiography Scholarly Research Paper

You may choose those life experiences that are meaningful to you or have had a significant impact in shaping your life. You may choose to write about deeply personal life events, but are by no means required or expected to do so. You will not be graded based on your level of disclosure, but rather how well you “weave” theory and research into your story.

You may choose those life experiences that are meaningful to you or have had a significant impact in shaping your life. You may choose to write about deeply personal life events, but are by no means required or expected to do so. You will not be graded based on your level of disclosure, but rather how well you “weave” theory and research into your story.You may choose those life experiences that are meaningful to you or have had a significant impact in shaping your life. You may choose to write about deeply personal life events, but are by no means required or expected to do so. You will not be graded based on your level of disclosure, but rather how well you “weave” theory and research into your story.You may choose those life experiences that are meaningful to you or have had a significant impact in shaping your life. You may choose to write about deeply personal life events, but are by no means required or expected to do so. You will not be graded based on your level of disclosure, but rather how well you “weave” theory and research into your story.

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