Barriers to Evidence Based Nursing Practice

Barriers to Evidence Based Nursing Practice Order Instructions: This paper consists of two section and each section should have its own reference list at the end of that section.

Barriers to Evidence Based Nursing Practice
Barriers to Evidence Based Nursing Practice

In section A an article is attached that will be used to complete that section. It is critical to respond to all questions detail and properly address the facts in each section without the omission of any point.

Section A (1.5 pages)

From Research to Practice
Using the attached article respond to this section.T his is all about APPLYING research, not DOING research. Thus, you are NOT looking for a RESEARCH article, but you ARE looking for an article that uses EVIDENCE from research to make a change.
1. Describe the change made and comment on the strength of the research evidence utilized and whether the change led to improved patient outcomes.
2. Note any barriers to change that were identified and how they were overcome.
3. End your discussion with a reflection on how this article is useful to you as you consider your role as an advanced practice nurse leading others to use the best evidence to strengthen nursing practice and improve nursing-sensitive patient outcomes.
4. Provide at least three citations with full references to credible nursing scholarly articles supporting your definitions and discussion.

SECTION B (1.5 pages)

Barriers to Evidence-based Nursing Practice
In order for the evidence-based nursing practice to be successful, it must be accepted and supported by nursing leadership and the bedside nurse.
1. Please interview a nurse leader and a bedside nurse concerning their perspective on the barriers to the use of the evidence-based nursing practice in their clinical settings.
2. Describe the barriers identified and provide interventions/solutions that are identified in the literature and that may alleviate the barriers.
3. End your discussion with a reflection on how you will enact the role of evidence-based nursing practice champion in your clinical area.
4. Provide at least three citations with full references to credible nursing scholarly articles supporting your definitions and discussion.

I will upload an article for section A

Barriers to Evidence Based Nursing Practice Sample Answer


Gennaro, S., & Reiser, D. (2006) Hyperbilirubinemia: identification and management in the healthy term and near-term newborn (2nd Ed) Washington, DC: AWHONN.

A literature review was conducted to identify the best methods that can be used in the delivery of pphototherapeutictreatment. It was discovered that no standard method was in place and a way of delivering these treatments. The only guidance that was provided regarding these treatments was the AAP policy statement on jaundice. It states that the light source for an infant has a rather dramatic effect on the special irradiance and as a result affects the treatments. The change therefore required that the fluorescent tubes be put closer to the infants as much as possible while the infant is placed in a bassinet and not an incubator. The reason for the bassinet as a better baby holder was the fact a fluorescent tube placed in it can be adjusted up to ten centimeters above the baby. The effect of the change was that the delivering of phototherapy treatment to the full term for a healthy infant in an isolette would not be so much as effective as it would be if phototherapy was given to an infant in an open crib. The change therefore did not lead to improved patient outcomes (Gennaro & Reiser, 2006).
The barriers to change that were met in this case study resulted in the fact that the children services nursing quality improvement committee and the unit based practice council were formed which resulted in the slowing of decision making processes.  There was enough evidence to support the provision of phototherapy by the use of an open crib instead of providing external heat and light sources. Another barrier was that the pediatricians were very skeptical about initiating the new modalities but after a few deliberations approved it with several conditions that would have made the entire exercise tasking. These conditions included the hourly recording of infant temperature. The outcome of these particular condition was that it raised the nurses concerns that these hourly intervention would have an effect on the quality of nursing care and the quality of rest that these infants and there new mothers required. The fact that the pediatricians were sympathetic to the nurses concerns did not sway them in any way and they remained completely adamant (Walker,V roman, & Becker,2007).

This article will be important to me in my advancement of my nursing practice in the sense that it will help in the improvement of my personal nursing quality of infants. The results of the project will also be helpful to me in the fostering of camaraderie. It will also help me learn the open crib phototherapy policy and procedure as the standard of care for infants. Evidence from other studies indicate that improvements in nursing sensitive patient outcomes can be improved if nurses become cognizant with the information and knowledge that has already been published and to improve their competency and knowledge about nursing care. Increased and proactive use of evidence based practices in the clinical setting is particularly important in improving nursing care quality (Goolsby, 2000).

Barriers to Evidence Based Nursing Practice References

Gennaro, S., & Reiser, D. (2006) Hyperbilirubinemia: identification and management in the healthy term and near-term newborn (2nd Ed) Washington, DC: AWHONN.

Goolsby, M. (2000) Clinical practice guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics: a compilation of evidence-based guidelines for pediatric practice. (3rd Ed) Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.

Walker, L., Vroman, L., & Becker, J. (2007). Using Evidence to change Practise. Open Filed Phototherapy , 402-404.

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