Bayer Aspirin Situation Analysis and Brand Assessment

Bayer Aspirin Situation Analysis and Brand Assessment Situation Analysis – Bayer Aspirin

Bayer Aspirin Situation Analysis and Brand Assessment
Bayer Aspirin Situation Analysis and Brand Assessment
  1. Brand assessment (Junior)
  • Research the total sales and market share trends of your brand, if possible
  • Assess your brand’s current use of the 4Ps: Product developments, Place/distribution, Pricing, and Promotion
  • Describe your brand’s differentiating features and benefits, if any, vs. your competitors
  • Describe consumer perceptions of your brand
  • How would loyal consumers and nonusers of your brand describe it?
  • How is the brand really perceived by consumers vs. how the brand wants to be perceived?
  1. SWOT analysis- Everyone
  • Internal to the company and your brand: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • External to the company and your brand: Opportunities and Threats
  1. Brand marketing key issues and objectives (given #1-3)- Everyone
  • Identify 4-5 key issues facing your brand or problems the company needs to address for future marketing success.
  • Create 4-5 SMART brand objectives for your marketing plan to achieve given the brand’s key issues.

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