Behavioral and Social Child Developmental Theories

Behavioral and Social Child Developmental Theories Choose TWO of the developmental theories listed below.
Complete a 5-6 page research paper on the theorist and the theory.

Behavioral and Social Child Developmental Theories
Behavioral and Social Child Developmental Theories

Do not choose both theorists from the same category (e.g. If you choose Skinner, you cannot choose Watson).
Include the following in your research paper:
A comparison of the theorists; compare one with the other and explain the differences and or the similarities.
Include strengths, weaknesses, criticisms, and research on the theory.
You will be graded on content accuracy and format. Be sure to include a title and a reference (where the information was found) page (total page count 7-8).
Use Times New Roman 12” font; double space lines.
Behavioral Child Development Theories
• B. F. Skinner OR
• John B. Watson
Social Child Development Theories
• John Bowlby OR
• Albert Bandura OR
• Lev Vygotsky

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