Blue Winds Dancing by Tom Whitecloud

Blue Winds Dancing by Tom Whitecloud SHORT STORY ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Blue Winds Dancing by Tom Whitecloud
Directly and completely answer the following questions.

Blue Winds Dancing by Tom Whitecloud
Blue Winds Dancing by Tom Whitecloud

Include specific examples from the story in your answer, and if you use secondary sources, be sure to
include the correct documentation.
1.What do you learn in the first section of the story about the conflict in the attitudes of the narrator? What is his attitude toward civilization? If he is
the protagonist, who or what is the antagonist? (34%)
2.What does the narrator mean by saying, "I am alone; alone but not nearly so lonely as I was back on campus at school?" (33%)
3.What do you think is meant by the blue winds dancing – what kind of wisdom? (33%)

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