Boys and Guns Raising What Do Parents Do

Boys and Guns Raising What Do Parents Do Read the article at this link. You may have to copy the article links to search online.

Boys and Guns Raising What Do Parents Do
Boys and Guns Raising What Do Parents Do

Read the article at this link. If the link does not work please email me to either reset it or find another link for support the reading. important

  1. What are your thoughts about violence in the media? What is the difference if any, between violence that is in a book or story, versus violence on a screen? How might the visual images impact a child differently?
  2. What are your thoughts regarding “pretend guns” and pretend shooting?
  3. What is big body play and how does it fit in an early childhood setting, if at all? How would you help children understand when and where more physical play is acceptable? What other activities could you implement that might meet the need for boisterous play?

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