Business Management Strategy BMS

Business Management Strategy BMS Order Instructions: Note: To prepare for this essay please read the required articles that is attached

I need an essay in the following subject:
How important was the deployment of a BMS to the whole improvement project at QinetiQ?

Business Management Strategy BMS
Business Management Strategy BMS

Explain its role with reference to practical examples. What can be learnt from this case study which has relevance to your own company or another organisation you know well?

Explain your answers.


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Note:To prepare for this essay please read the required articles that is attached

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Business Management Strategy BMS Sample Answer


Business management strategy (BMS) refers to a well though and planned idea whose intention is to bring intense changes within a business. Often, this becomes crucial in ensuring that the businesses remain in sync with the dynamism of the sector. In the provided case study, having a business management strategy was crucial in improving the entire QinetiQ project. It was crucial to ensure that the organization was meeting the set objectives both long term and short term. The need to have a BMS was therefore meant to enable the business realize her objectives.

Business Management Strategy BMS and Benchmarking

A benchmarking process was seen as the most effective method of implementing the BMS. Benchmarking in this case refers to taking a look at other organizations in a similar sector and seeking to find out how differently they carry out their businesses (Estall 2012). In doing so, it would be possible to identify and make review of what is considered to be best practices in the industry.

It was of great necessity for the deployment of the BMS in the entire project. Rather than having a look at one single section, it became easier to look at the entire project and make improvements therein (Estall, 2012). Some of the issues that were considered in great depths during the process of benchmarking include the structure, design, process, implementation and control. Having looked at all these aspects the next step was to make a comparative analysis and come with a method that would see the outcomes of the QinetiQ project realized.

The benchmarking process also involved looking at the BMS for other companies and especially those in the same sector. This would help to identify the specific areas that require improvement. Making changes in the identified areas will ensure that the organization can achieve their set objectives. The results that were derived from the benchmarking paved way for a revision of the existing BMS. One way of identifying the weaknesses and inadequacies of the earlier BMS was to find out from those who worked under it. (Chang 2007) The opinions and comments given were then analyzed to identify the strengths, weaknesses and the existing gap that impeded achievement of set objectives. The benchmarking process was in itself a success. It main aim was to help punch holes or otherwise identify the reason for lack of effectiveness of existing BMS. The development of BMS was therefore beneficial to the entire project because it looked at it step by step.

Lessons Learnt on Business Management Strategy BMS

There are number of lessons that can be drawn from this case study. The first is on the importance of having a very clear Business Management Strategy (BMS). A BMS is crucial as it acts as guideline for businesses geared towards achievement of set goals (Dhunna 2010). It is not possible for businesses to successfully achieve their projected objectives until they have a clear guideline. Similarly in this case, it is evident that having a well drawn up guideline goes a long way in ensuring objectives are achieved.

It also becomes evident that having a well laid business strategy is important in identifying the various areas that could be bringing about challenges. With a strategy, it becomes easy to identify weaknesses and strengths in the existing strategy. A business strategy in this case is seen as microscope through which one can look through and see all about the business. It is after doing so that an overhaul of the strategy will be crucial. More often businesses do not realize that the strategy in place is the reason for not achieving their set objectives. They look for alternatives to deal with the problem without much success. However, when a business has formulated a proper strategy, it is easy to realize when they veer off.

Benchmarking has also been identified as crucial business practice in enhancing effectiveness of BMS (Robert 2009). It becomes very imperative for a business to be familiar with what is considered to be sound business practice in each sector. It is crucial to understand what other organizations have been doing in that area. Making a comparative analysis goes a long way in ensuring that the business is in sync with what is considered to be normal and standard practice.

The realization of QinetiQ objectives was largely enabled by the fact that there was a business strategy already in place (Chang 2007). This helped those running the project to stay focused while conveniently identifying areas of weaknesses. Of importance to also note is the need to constantly revise the BMS after a considerable time. This is owing to the fact that the business sector is largely dynamic. One BMS cannot possibly be used over an extended period of time due to the changes. The incompatibility therein could render the BMS unable to support the business.

Business Management Strategy BMS Conclusion

Business Management Strategy remains at the core of every business. It is the foundation which ensures that every business is moving towards the set down objectives. With a paper well laid down strategy, a business is bound to succeed.

Business Management Strategy BMS References

Chang, J, 2007, Business process management systems: strategy and implementations, New          York, CRC Press.

Dhunna, M, 2010, Information technology in business management, California, Laxmi       Publications

Estall, H, 2012, Business continuity management systems, London, The Chartered.

Robert, T, 2009, Knowledge management systems for business, London, Greenwood Publishing   Group.


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