Business Plan for Opening a Public Relation Agency

Business Plan for Opening a Public Relation Agency in Atlanta area (Franchise)

Technically, it’s an existing company, but I am proposing to open and lead an Atlanta office (much like a franchise). So I don’t need an executive summary, mission statement or any of that. For reference, this is the company –

Business Plan for Opening a Public Relation Agency
Business Plan for Opening a Public Relation Agency

Some of the details I would like included in the plan include:

The Vision o what is the opportunity and potential for a new PR agency in Atlanta o how we would establish and position ourselves in Atlanta o what challenges we would face and how we would overcome these; what support we would need from investors/advisors/the board o thoughts on marketing NewCo in Atlanta o our approach to new business: who we would target (why) and how o our approach to building the team; who our first hires would be and how we would you build the team over time o what we hope to achieve (please include potential revenue) in a) the first six months b) the first year c) longer term o how we would go about assessing/measuring our success Please provide a phased P&L as part of the plan (this can be an appendix).

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