Business Skills in Public Health
Business Skills in Public Health

Business Skills in Public Health

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It is increasingly vital that public health leaders learn from their business-sector counterparts, and that they import appropriate business concepts such as return-on-investment, revenue generation, and entrepreneurialism into their organizations’ operations.

For this Discussion, read and review the two articles you selected from the list of articles presented on the Learning Resources page focusing on the Management Academy for Public Health.

1. Briefly summarize the main points of each article. Describe what you learned from these articles regarding the specific concepts of ROI, revenue generation, social marketing, entrepreneurship, or other business planning skills.
2. In your view, were the business skills applied effectively in the situations described in the articles? Justify your position.
3. In your experiences so far with public health organizations, identify an example in which business skills were used well, or, alternatively, were used poorly.

(Note: Do not use actual names of the organizations or people.)


1. Scotten, E., Shirin L., & Absher, A. (2006). Creating community-based access to primary healthcare for the uninsured through strategic alliances and restructuring local health department programs. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 12(5), 446-451.

2. Umble, K., Orton, S., Rosen, B., & Ottoson, J. (2006). Evaluating the impact of the management academy for public health: developing entrepreneurial managers and organizations. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 12(5), 436-445.

Please apply the Application Assignment Rubric when writing the Paper.

I. Paper should demonstrate an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the texts.

II. Paper provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other sources, and discerning ideas.

III. Paper should be well organized, uses scholarly tone, follows APA style, uses original writing and proper paraphrasing, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with doctoral level writing style.

IV. Paper should be mostly consistent with doctoral level writing style.


Business Skills in Public Health

In recent years, service provision at one of the county health departments began to deteriorate. The pressure for nurses working at the hospital build up, with more time and costs spent on every patient due to increased visits. The revenue collected from the services dropped due to shift experienced in the patients` mix. The hospitals` expenditures went down. To solve this problem, the health providers at the county joined the respective health to establish a system that ensured continued health care service provision to the uninsured and underinsured individuals. Community health data and specific demographics of patients were obtained prior to soliciting the required funds to solve the crisis facing the Wilkes County Health Department. The business skills applied in this situation were effective in curbing the situation. Analysis of health data and demographics, cost of operations, establishing the use of underutilized resources, establishing an organizational connection, and sourcing for funds were effective interventions to solve the problem (Scotten, Shirin and Absher, 2006). Effective business skills are an asset in any health organization. At one time, while I was still working in one of the county health departments, the organization I was working with refused to collaborate with a health department of a different county in launching a campaign for patient education of management of cardiovascular diseases due utilization of a lot of funds. Ten years later, the hospital recorded the highest number of patients who were treated for cardiovascular diseases. An analysis report showed that patients lacked relevant knowledge on management of such diseases. If the collaboration could have been effected, this outcome would not have been experienced.

Managers of health departments are required to have skills of data and financial management. They are also required to have entrepreneurial skills. Through this, they will be able to join with other public organizations to ensure efficient operation of their health departments. Management Academies have been established to equip managers of health departments with the relevant managerial skills for managing public health departments. These programs have been shown to enhance the acquisition of the relevant skills required by respective managers of public health departments (Umble et al., 2006).


Scotten, E., Shirin L., & Absher, A. (2006). Creating community-based access to primary healthcare for the uninsured through strategic alliances and restructuring local health department programs. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 12(5), 446-451.

Umble, K., Orton, S., Rosen, B., & Ottoson, J. (2006). Evaluating the impact of the management academy for public health: developing entrepreneurial managers and organizations. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 12(5), 436-445.

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