Health Professional Therapy Issues Essay

Health Professional Therapy Issues
Health Professional Therapy Issues

Australian Health Professional Therapy Issues Essay

I’m new paramedic student as this subject is called health practitioner practice in Australian system , as well as I’m new to this website , i need Harvard
style and references , which this writing about study summary which you find examples and the instruction bellow ,and i need to be ( away from plagiarism ) .
e.g.: occupational therapy interventions for children with autism; physiotherapy interventions for osteoporosis ; speech therapy for stroke patients; pre-hospital care interventions for head injuries.
As a future health professional, you will be required to locate, evaluate and discuss the latest research evidence which informs current practice.
The purpose of this assignment is to develop your written and database searching skills.
You are to search for three (3) published journal articles* by three (3) different authors from three (3) different journals on one (1) of the listed topics.
You will write a short summary of each of the articles.
*This does NOT include: newspaper articles, news reports or editorials or web pages.
structure :
50 – 75
50 – 75
Provide a brief overview of the topic and what you intend to discuss with the reader in the following 3 articles.

Article 1
200 words Full reference here (Harvard or APA) as a heading.
Tell the reader the main concepts, purpose and outcomes of the article. What was the author intending to demonstrate with this article.

Identify methods
Briefly tell the reader what methods were used to collect the data (information) used in the article – did these include descriptive (interview, focus
group), or statistical (survey, questionnaire), how many people were involved, who were the participants (male, female, children, ages)?
Relationships with other health professionals
From the information found identify any (actual or potential) relationships with other health professionals.

Future practice reflection
Reflect on your future health professional practice.
What ideas and thoughts does the information provided in the article stimulate in relation to how you might practice as a health professional?
Be specific here about you and your future practice.

Article 2 200 words Reference
Description of the article
Identify methods
Relationship with other health professionals Future practice reflection.

Article 3 200 words
Identify methods
Relationship with other health professionals Future practice reflection.

Conclusion 50-75 words
Make a brief statement that connects the 3 articles to the intention provided in your introduction.

Self Assessment 50 words
Reflect on how you felt in completing this task, what were the challenges, what do you need to improve before the next task and identify what support you
Please each article need to be with 1 reference with different authors.

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