Capitalism and Classical Social Theory

Capitalism and Classical Social Theory Please read the two required questions listed below and make sure that you answer them completely for full credit.

Capitalism and Classical Social Theory
Capitalism and Classical Social Theory

Each of your essay responses must be typed, and include a cover page and a bibliography of the readings consulted to complete your work. In addition, please use 12” font size as you type and a 1” margin on all sides of each page. Finally, please note that you are required to refer to and cite Weber’s own writings as your primary source of information in your essays. You may also supplement your analysis with the insights provided by Bratton and Denham in their book Capitalism and Classical Social Theory, 2nd. Edition (2014)

Capitalism and Classical Social Theory Question 1 (4 pages)

One of the most important contributions that Max Weber made to sociological theory is his analysis of social inequality, authority/power, and bureaucracy. Write an essay in which you

  1. a) Describe and analyze the key concepts, propositions, and arguments in these three major issue areas in Weber’s work; b) offer your own critical reflection of Weber’s theoretical contributions; and c) assess the relevance of Weber’s ideas to contemporary society

Capitalism and Classical Social Theory Question 2 (4 pages)

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is arguably the most well-known of Max Weber’s writings. In this book, Weber makes important causal connections between culture/Protestant religion and capitalist development. Write an essay in which you analyze Weber’s arguments in this classic book. In your essay, please a) describe and analyze Weber’s main theoretical propositions and arguments; b) offer your own critical evaluation and opinions regarding Weber’s ideas and theories; and c) assess the relevance of Weber’s arguments for contemporary society.

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