Facts for Nature of Objects for Radiometric Sensing

Facts for Nature of Objects for Radiometric Sensing Answer each of the following questions in 100 words or less.

Facts for Nature of Objects for Radiometric Sensing
Facts for Nature of Objects for Radiometric Sensing

This progress assignment is intended to assess your knowledge and progress FOLLOWING the
readings and your completion of the ungraded exam in the exams area of the classroom:
) What are the three “facts”; related to the nature of objects that makes the basis for radiometric sensing?
2) Spectral signatures may include what 4 different types of matter/energy interaction?
3) Describe the operation of radar.
4) What is the difference between operational use and intelligence use of radar data?
5) Why is synthetic aperture radar one of the most powerful tools in intelligence collection?
6) What is the difference between COMINT and ELINT components of SIGINT?

The Origin of Old-Earth Geology Term Paper

The Origin of Old-Earth Geology
The Origin of Old-Earth Geology

The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century

Order Instructions:




In general, each Journal Article Review must contain an introductory paragraph, the body of the work, and a conclusion. In terms of the body, the following items must be discussed:

1. Brief overview of the theme of the article and its main points.
2. Strengths of the article. Answer questions such as:
a. What did the author do well?
b. Were any points made exceptionally clear?
c. Did the author write with concision and precision?
3. Weaknesses of the article. Answer questions such as:
a. What erroneous assumptions does the author make, if any?
b. Are any factual errors made in the article?
c. Is the scientific method violated in any way?
d. Could the author have stated his/her case better?
4. Remember, every article has weaknesses. You are expected to discuss some of these. Failure to identify any weaknesses in your Journal Article Reviews will negatively affect your grade.


Use the following outline when writing your papers. Each point on the below outline must be a separate section (with a section heading) within each of your Journal Article Reviews. You will notice that these section headings correspond to the content points above.

I. Introduction
II. Brief Overview and Main Points
III. Article Strengths
IV. Article Weaknesses
V. Conclusion

These reviews are to be 2–3 pages each. Do not exceed this page limit. The title page and bibliography do not count toward this page total.


You must use current APA formatting. Papers must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins all around. The font is to be Courier New or Times New Roman, 12-point.

Include a cover sheet with your name, instructor’s name, course number and title, date, and paper title. There is no need to include an abstract in your paper.

The only source required for each review is the article itself. However, feel free to incorporate other sources if you so desire. Additional sources must be limited to journal articles, manuscripts, scholarly textbooks, and/or internet sites from .edu or .gov sources. Avoid internet sites from .com, .net, .org, etc. sources as the information contained therein are not often peer-reviewed. Also, Study Bibles are not appropriate for this assignment. List all of your sources in a bibliography at the end of the paper.


Be sure to cite your sources in the body of your paper using proper APA formatting.


The Origin of Old-Earth Geology

The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century


This paper is a review of Dr. Mortenson’s article, Origin of Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century. The paper will also give the article’s strengths and weaknesses. It is essential to note that Dr. Mortenson’s article does not take sides, but rather gives information found in his thesis development, for this reason this paper will review of Dr. Mortenson’s hypothesis and information.

Overview of the articles main points

Doctor Terry Mortenson’s article is about the history of the Old Earth Geology and the consequences of its ideologies on the present day society. In essence, the article gave limited background or knowledge of the Old-Earth theory, but it explains the main Scriptural Geology by arguing on the legitimacy of the belief on Young-Earth, and closing with a generalized visualization of the impacts of the Old-Earth theory on the society.

Article Strengths

The article make successful attempt of identifying the author’s discontent with the modern science flaws, as well as, the modern societal downfall. Doctor Mortenson gave vast details on the validity of his belief and credential of Scriptural Geologist theories. The author in seven paragraphs successfully gave a discussion on the dynamic background and the development of Scriptural Geology using important individuals in Scriptural Geology community. The article successfully depicted flaws in the modern scientific, historical scientific and scriptural scientific thinking (Mortenson, 2003). Additionally, the article depicts flaws in science and research that attempts to disprove or prove Old-Earth creation. According to the author, each hypothesis developed is based on its worldview, and would spend energy attempting to prove that it is trues as opposed to proving that it is open to other alternatives. Dr. Mortenson’s article greatest strength is that it is informative and detailed.

Article Weaknesses

It is evident from the article that the author is biased in the way he significantly deviates from the article’s main intent. Dr. Mortenson started his article on the right track by giving a discussion on the background of the Old-Earth, but he ends up deviating and spending about 12 paragraphs discussing on science outside the Old-Earth Geology, as well, as the argument of such sciences against the Old-Earth’s theory; these sections were irrelevant, but only took away the article’s discussion from its original intent.

Dr. Mortenson’s claim against naturalist is the weakest point of the article. It is known that naturalists have greatly contributed to morality and justice in the society. People with naturalist beliefs in the present day society provide and love their families, go to work, help others, partake charities and strive to be good people; therefore, , Dr. Mortenson’s position on naturalist does not sound valid.


Dr. Mortenson’s article had a good premise; the author’s information proved to be interesting and informative; however, the author fell off the topic for a good part of the article, as well, as making ridiculous claims at the final section of the article. His idea that the Old-Earth ideology and naturalism are responsible for the societal downfall is over-generalized and erroneous. Personally, I think the article is informative, but it loses its credibility and legitimacy based on the authors’ failure to covey his information in a non-exaggerated and concise manner. As a person looking forward to understanding the development and history of Old-Earth theory, as well as, its impact on the society, this article is not impressive.


Mortenson T., (2003.). The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century, 1/9-6/9

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Determining minimum hiking time using DEM

Determining minimum hiking time using DEM
Determining minimum hiking time using DEM

Determining minimum hiking time using DEM

Order Instructions:

A supermarket has the following two offers on a particular brand of mature cheddar cheese.
Offer (1) 30% off the usual price Offer (2) 30% extra free

The usual price for a 350 g pack of this cheese is £4.50, which works out at £1.29 per 100 g.

Calculate the price of a 350 g pack of this cheese under offer (1).

(ii) Calculate the price per 100 g of this cheese under offer (1).

Calculate the weight of a pack of this cheese if it costs £4.50 under offer (2).

Calculate the price per 100 g of this cheese under offer (2)

A rival supermarket introduces the following offer on a 350 g pack of this cheese that also costs £4.50.
Offer (3) Buy one, get another one half price

Find the price per 100 g of this cheese under offer (3).

Calculate the percentage decrease in price for this cheese under offer (3) compared to the usual price.

Compare these three offers from a shopper’s perspective. In your answer, you should summarise the above information by copying and completing the table below, and then consider both the price and the quantity to be bought to obtain the offers.
Offer 1
Offer 2
Offer 3
Quantity (in g)
Total cost (in £)
Price/100 g (in £)

Question 2

At the weekend, Callum walked 8 km on Dartmoor. He used a map with scale 1 : 25 000 to determine distances.
(a) On the map, the distance that Callum walked before stopping for lunch is 18.4 cm. Find the corresponding distance on the ground in km.
(b) (i) The complete walk of 8 km took Callum 2 hours and 15 minutes. Find his average speed in km/h.
(ii) Convert your answer from part (b)(i) into metres per second. Give your answer correct to two significant figures. [3]
(c) The map shows that the walk started at a height of 180 m above sea level, then dropped 60 m, climbed 250 m and finally dropped 150 m again. Let h represent the height above sea level in metres.
(i) Find the highest and lowest heights above sea level encountered on the walk.
(ii) Draw a number line to represent the interval of the heights above sea level encountered on the walk.
(iii) Use a double inequality to show this range of heights above sea level encountered on the walk.
(d) Callum has adapted Naismith’s Rule to estimate the time that he takes to walk up a scenic hill taking into account pauses to look at the views. The time is given by

5 600 25


T is the time for the walk in hours,
D is the horizontal distance walked in kilometres, H is the height climbed in metres.

On one section of his walk, Callum climbed 140 m over a horizontal distance of 2.6 km, with scenic views. Find the estimated time (to the nearest minute) that Callum’s formula gives for him to climb this hill.


(a) The following formula (known as the Carroll/Huntington Formula) is commonly used to estimate W, the body-weight of a horse in kg:

W= ____g2l_______
g is the girth of the horse in cm,
l is the length of the horse in cm.
Estimate Quin’s body-weight, to the nearest 10 kg, when his girth measurement is 189 cm and his length is 161 cm.

In order to lose weight, each day an overweight horse should eat hay weighing 1.5% of its ideal body-weight.
(i) Using this information, copy and complete the table below.

ideal body weight of horse (I in kg) 200,300,400,500, 600,700,800

weight of hay (H in kg) 3 4.5 6

Draw a graph to illustrate this information. The vertical axis should show H, the mass of hay in kg, and the horizontal axis should show I, the ideal body-weight of the horse in kg. Mark the points clearly, and join them up with a line. You will find the tips for drawing graphs on page 84 of Unit 2 useful.
You can draw your graph either by hand (using graph paper) or using a computer.
(iii) Quin is overweight and being fed 6.5 kg of hay each day. Explain how you could use your graph to find his ideal body-weight to the nearest 10 kg.
(c) The farrier charges £65 to shoe a horse, £20 to trim an unshod horse’s hooves, and £10 for travelling.
(i) Ursula has two unshod horses and three shod horses. Calculate how much the farrier will charge on a visit to shoe the shod horses and trim the hooves of the unshod horses.
(ii) Construct a formula for the cost C, in £, for a visit by the farrier to shoe s shod horses and trim the hooves of t unshod horses.


Question 1

Prices under offer (1)

Therefore, the price is £4.50 – £1.35 = £3.15

Therefore, the price is £1.29 – £0.387 = £0.903

Prices under offer (2)

  • If 70% = 450 g

100% =?

  • 100% = £1.29


Prices under offer (3)

Buy one, get another one half price

One 450g pack = £4.50

Half of £4.50 = £2.25

So, two 450g packs cost = £4.50 + £2.25 = £6.75


If 900g = £6.75

Then, 100g =

Percentage decrease

£1.29 – £0.75 = £0.54

Comparison table

Offer 1 Offer 2 Offer 3
Quantity (in g) 540 742.857 1000
Total cost (in £) 5.403 5.403 7.29
Price/100g (in £) 0.903 0.903 0.75

Question 2

  1. 1 : 25 000

This means that 1 cm on the map represents 25 000 cm on the ground

Therefore, 18.4 cm represents:

18.4 cm x 25 000 cm = 460000 cm

This is equivalent to 460,000cm divided by 100,000cm = 4.6 km

  1. (i)

Distance = 8 km

Time = 2.5 hours

(ii) 1 km/h = 0.277778 m/s

Therefore, 0.277778 x 3.2 = 0.89 m/s

  1. (i) 180m – 60m = 120m

120m + 250m = 370m

370m – 150m = 220m

Highest height = 370m

Lowest height = 120m

(ii)  Number line


  1. Naismith’s Rule

H = 140 m

D = 2.6 km or 2600 m

T = 520 + 0.23 + 104 = 624.23 minutes

Question 3

  1. Hay eating table of an overweight horse
Ideal body weight of horse (in Kg) 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Weight of hay (H in Kg) 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5 12


  • Graph
  • First is to pinpoint where 6.5 kg of hay is on the vertical axis and draw a straight line to join the line of the plot and then check the value of ideal body-weight of the horse of the horizontal axis.
  1. (i) Charges

£65 = to shoe a horse

£20 = to trim an unshod horse hooves

£10 = travelling

Total charge = (2 x £20) + (3 x £65) + £10

Overall total = £40 + £195 + £10 = £245

(ii)  Assume x = the number of horses to shoe

y = the number to trim an unshod hooves

C = 65 x + 20 y + 10


Magyari-Sáska, Z. & Dombay, Ş. (2012). Determining minimum hiking time using DEM. Geographia Napocensis (Academia Romana – Filiala Cluj Colectivul de Geografie). Anul VI (2): 124–9. Retrieved 5 November 2014.

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