Challenges by Women in 19th and 20th Century

Challenges by Women in 19th and 20th Century Challenges by Women in late 19th and 20th Century problems and challenges that women, African-Americans, and Mexican immigrants

Challenges by Women in 19th and 20th Century
Challenges by Women in 19th and 20th Century

Essay Prompt: Discuss, define, and explain the problems and challenges that women, African-Americans, and Mexican immigrants + their American born children experienced in the late 19th century and 20th century. “COMPARE AND CONTRAST” the various strategies, the internal divisions, the setbacks, and the results that each group experienced in their fight for their rights and equality.
Please BOLD, UNDERLINE, and HIGHLIGHT every key term + document you incorporate in your essay or else there will be a 25 point deduction)
Essay word count: MINIMUM of 1000 words (4-5 pages, double space, 12 point font, Times font)—failure to meet word count will lead to zero points. There is no MAXIMUM word count limit so feel free to exceed the minimum 1000 word count.

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