Childs Developmental Level According to Erikson

Childs Developmental Level According to Erikson The signature assignment for this course is a 8 page paper in APA format with cited research. You need at least 4 different sources for this paper. This is a working paper, which means you will build on a portion of it each week.

Childs Developmental Level According to Erikson
Childs Developmental Level According to Erikson

During week eight (8), you will turn in your Signature Assignment. Make sure all citation is in APA format and include a cover page with your final work. The Signature Assignment represents 30% from the student overall grade. Students will spend between three-four hours with a child between the ages of 3–12 throughout the course of this class. Complete the following during the observation:

  1. Gain permission of the parent to observe the child: this is observation and interaction. This is not therapy. Please give parent full disclosure.

1 hour ago



Signature Assignment

The signature assignment for this course is a 8 – 10 page paper in APA format with cited research. You need at least 4 different sources for this paper. This is a working paper, which means you will build on a portion of it each week. During week eight (8), you will turn in your Signature Assignment. Make sure all citation is in APA format and include a cover page with your final work.

The Signature Assignment represents 30% from the student overall grade.

Students will spend between three-four hours with a child between the ages of 3–12 throughout the course of this class. Complete the following during the observation:

  1. Gain permission of the parent to observe the child: this is observation and interaction. This is not therapy. Please give parent full disclosure.
  1. Record your observations and keep in mind the following:
  • How the child interacts with you and others
  • The child’s developmental level according to Erikson
  • What was the mood of the child?

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