Classical and Operant Conditioning

Classical and Operant Conditioning The essay will be in chapter 7 the learning chapter as it is part of the Exam 2 material. The essay is as follows:

Classical and Operant Conditioning
Classical and Operant Conditioning

Please explain both Classical and Operant conditioning by using an example of each from your own life experience. Diagram, explain and contrast each paradigm and use the following diagrammatic format:

Contrast means, for example, Classical Cond. is invalid/Operant is vol.





Operant Pos.



Provide the proper labels for each part of the diagrams and explain the behavior in each category and contrast the operant behavior with that of the classical example (example one is voluntary one is involuntary, one is reflex one learned etc.).

The essay is very straight forward to label the diagrams as presented in the essay question, example Classical conditioning would be: US= Food, UR= saliva, CS= bell, CR = saliva

This would be the Pavlov example was he taking the test, use your own.

The operant example might be SD=time of day, response=go to work,

Pos.reinforcement=$$. use your own personal example. In addition explain each paradigm using the basic definition form the how are they different, example: classical cond. is involuntary operant cond. Is voluntary, classical is a reflex operant is an intentional behavior etc. Hopefully, this helps. Do the best you can not take more than a half hour to complete, use the text.

Example: Classical conditioning Operant Conditioning

Pavlov Thorndike

Watson Skinner

Invol Voluntary

Reflex learned

Innate intentional

A.N.S P.N.S. smooth striate muscle passive active

C.S. = Stimulus discriminatory

U.S. = Reinforcement

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