Classroom Handout Project Design

Classroom Handout Project Design Please design a handout that can be shared with classroom teachers as a resource for effective ELL strategies. You need to choose at least three strategies and create a tool for teachers to use as a resource. Classroom Handout Project Design

Classroom Handout Project Design
Classroom Handout Project Design

This tool should include:
• Strategy name
• Description in your own words
• Target skills/ and or age level
• How/why it supports ELLs
• Reasons you recommend (strengths)
You are welcome to make present this in any way that you feel would be helpful and easily accessible for teachers. Classroom Handout Project Design

Classroom Handout Project Design Sample

This could be a pamphlet, a handout, a table, a chart, etc. A sample is attached as a resource.
Strategies to encourage active involvement:
Learning centers: extending learning through hands-on practice
Multiple intelligences strategies: teaching and testing to student-preferred learning modes
Strategies for language development:
Leveled questions: adjusting questioning strategies to the language levels of students
Collecting and processing words: making vocabulary your own
Language framework planning: supporting academic language and content acquisition. Classroom Handout Project Design Please design a handout that can be shared with classroom teachers as a resource for effective ELL strategies. You need to choose at least three strategies and create a tool for teachers to use as a resource.  You are welcome to make present this in any way that you feel would be helpful and easily accessible for teachers. This could be a pamphlet, a handout, a table, a chart, etc. A sample is attached as a resource. Classroom Handout Project Design

Classroom Handout Project Design Learning Centers

Learning centers: extending learning through hands-on practice Multiple intelligences strategies: teaching and testing to student-preferred learning modes
Strategies for language development:
Leveled questions: adjusting questioning strategies to the language levels of students Collecting and processing words: making vocabulary your own Language framework planning: supporting academic language and content acquisition.

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