Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project

Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project
Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project

Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project—Conduct the Interview

Order Instructions:

For this paper the writer will have to reference to 113375, 113394, and 113444 to be able to complete this paper as it is a continuation of what was done on those previous papers. The writer has to properly transcribe the interview and it should not be more than 20 minutes as mention.

Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project—Conduct the Interview
This week you will be conducting an interview based on the interview guide you completed in Week 2.

For this assignment,
• Review the media resources for planning and conducting interviews in preparation for conducting your interview.
• Your interview should last 15–20 minutes and must be audio-recorded since this is the standard for good practice in qualitative research interviews. Please save your interview audio-recording in case your Instructor asks to review it.
• You will then transcribe the entire interview from beginning to end. (If your interview lasts longer than 20 minutes, transcribe only 20 minutes maximum.)


Interviewer:         How are you?

Emily Lawson: Good. How are you?

Interviewer:         I am fine. Thank you for agreeing to have this interview with me. I will not take much of your busy time. The interview normally takes about 15-20 minutes. Your confidentiality will be maintained and I will give you a sample of the transcript before publishing. As I told you before, I am conducting a research to get an idea on the management practices for future business management and production. Do you have any questions before we begin?

Emily Lawson: No. Just go ahead.

Interviewer:         What are the common human resource management techniques that can motivate employees to work hard without any financial compensation?

Emily Lawson: Generally, employees are motivated by appraising them on work done, including them in overall company projects, as well as involving in major decisions that affect the company. They feel appreciated which motivates them to work harder.

Interviewer:         What policies in HRM can optimize productivity?

Emily Lawson: The best policies in HRM that can maximize productivity are; paying employees well, constant promotions of the employees, giving out bonuses to employees for extra work done, and giving commissions especially to sales people. Other non-financial policies include team work activities to make employees part and parcel of the organization as well as periodical on-job training.

Interviewer:         Give examples of the policies that have succeeded in increasing productivity in your current or previous position?

Emily Lawson: Since we specialize in provision of qualified personnel to potential recruiters, we normally focus on the job training to the prospective employees. We train the employees on what is expected of them while in the job and provide both theoretical and practical skills that will make them experts in their field.

Interviewer:         Provide details of human resource management strategies those employees would positively prevent staff turnover and possibly attract employees from other rival companies besides financial or monetary compensation.

Emily Lawson: A strategy that is mostly effective is the lean approach. When employees are entrusted with the firm’s activities and decision making, they are likely to feel secure in the company and not have the need to resign. Also, ensuring that an employee gets promoted after reaching a certain minimum target or years of work will highly influence employee retention as well as attract employees from rival companies.

Interviewer:         Can you outline stock options strategies that can motivate employees without diluting the company’s stock values?

Emily Lawson: One strategy is setting a portion of the stock to be bought by desiring employees and making them shareholders. Another way is giving the employees a clue on the next price for stock before making it public.

Interviewer:         Can you explain how making employees shareholders act as a motivator?

Emily Lawson: I will. Shareholders receive value for their investments in form of dividends. If the company is performing poorly, no dividends are available to be given out. But when the company is performing well, returns are generated for the shareholders. When the employees are shareholders, they will be motivated to perform better so as to improve the company value and eventually increase their share value.

Interviewer: Last question for this interview, how often do you review your HRM policies?

Emily Lawson: As often as possible. We make sure we are up to date with the changes both in the internal and external environment for sustainability. The policies have to be reviewed so as to maximize productivity.

Interviewee:        Thank you for your time Emily. I really appreciate.

Emily Lawson: It’s my pleasure. You are welcome.

Interviewee:        Thank you. Do have a good day.

Emily Lawson: Thank you. Good day.

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