Cleveland Cliffs Inc. and Lurgi Metallurgie

Cleveland Cliffs Inc. and Lurgi Metallurgie
Cleveland Cliffs Inc. and Lurgi Metallurgie

Cleveland Cliffs Inc. and Lurgi Metallurgie GmbH-The Circored Project (A)

This project assignment is about developing an industrial plant based on a new technology (the so-called ”Circored” technology) to produce iron briquettes. These briquettes were important components as the iron source for a new generation of steel mills.

Discuss the following in your report:

A. Who were the stakeholders in the Circored project, and what were their interests? How did these affect the progress of the project?

B. Provide an overview of as many as possible examples of “Fuzziness” that were present in this case.

C. What do you see as the key problems that occurred in this project? Discuss how lessons from the IND600 course curriculum can be used to explain what went wrong in the Circored development project, and why.

D. What arguments can you list for and against investing the additional $45 million in the Trinidad Circored plant?

E. Can you suggest any ways in which the project, or parts of it, could have been managed better?

• point out and discuss many connections between the case and relevant curriculum themes.
• point out and discuss issues that are interrelated.

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