Clinical Assessment in Paramedics

Clinical Assessment in Paramedics I have this topic, which is called Clinical Assessment that is related to paramedics major (I’m doing paramedic).

Clinical Assessment in Paramedics
Clinical Assessment in Paramedics

There are two files that I will upload, the first file is named ‘Glossary terms and comments’ and the second file is named ‘comments’.
What I need for the writer is that he writes the comments for me in the second file (for 8 glossary terms in the file ‘comments’), by using references and in
the text, it’s the same as what happened in the first file. The first file is only an example of what the writer needs to do. I uploaded the first file just to
only make it clear for you. I want a writer that is an expert at glossary and the other thing is, I want the writer to write the comments in the same method
as the comments in the ‘Glossary terms and comments’ file that my classmates already wrote, which is an example. I don’t want the writer to go out of the
subject; I want him to write in the same way and method in the second file as the comments in the first file.
Every comment has to be 30-60 words maximum including the reference. There can be a maximum of two references for each glossary, anyway, the first file which
is ‘Glossary terms and comments’ is a good example that I uploaded so the writer can understand what I want which I explained. The total amount of words in
all the comments shouldn’t be more than 240 or 350 words. I want the writer done with this in the next 6 hours.
Just a reminder: that there are 8 glossary terms in the second file, I just want you to write the comments and reference (1 or 2 references) in it in the
same way and method it was written in the first file by using your own words, I don’t want any plagiarism. UK writing and Harvard style.

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