Cognitive of Middle Childhood Peer Review Access the Howard Green Library and locate a scholarly (peered review article) on the cognitive of middle childhood. You Can also access google scholar.
Howard Green Library link
Please write a two-page response to this article. Please make sure to cite your source using APA.
Your title goes here
Student Name
Kentucky Wesleyan College
Cognitive of Middle Childhood Peer Review
The First and Only APA Ready Template
Every paper needs an introductory paragraph, a body, and a concluding paragraph. Please remember to include a reference page filled with scholarly sources. You should access the HCC library link on the school website to locate peer-reviewed sources. The following reference page gives templates for various types of sources. Please delete the ones that you do not use. You will also need to delete this paragraph and write your introductory paragraph in this space. The introduction tells your audience the purpose of your paper. I also recommend using headings to transition between subtopics.
Cognitive of Middle Childhood Peer Review References
Note to Students: There are various examples of how to cite sources. Please see information in red to determine the type of source example.
Author, A. B. (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue
number), pages. Example of a Journal Article accessed in Print (or Hardcopy)
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of Journal, volume number, page range.
doi:0000000/000000000000 or Example of a Journal Article accessed electronically with a DOI
(digital object identifier)
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number. Retrieved from Example of a Journal Article accessed electronically without a DOI
Author, A. B. & Author, B. B. (Year). Title. City, State abbreviation: Publisher. Example of a
Book with Multiple Authors
Author, A. B. (Date of publication). Title of website. Retrieved from http://web address
Example of a Website
Note: Bibles are considered classical text and are cited within a document, but not included on the reference page. See pp.
178-179 in the APA Manual or p. 187 in the Concise APA for specific citation directions.
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