Communication in a Multi Generational Workforce

Communication in a Multi Generational Workforce Order Instructions: Existing Mixed Methods Studies

Return to your Literature Review and peruse the mixed methods studies you found for additional resources that pertain to your topic.

Communication in a Multi Generational Workforce
Communication in a Multi Generational Workforce

Conduct additional searches through the Walden Library for relevant studies that either pertain directly to your topic or that pertain to related topics and could inform a mixed methods study of your topic. Perhaps these studies provide a model, research instrument, framework, or hypothesis that informs your own evolving thinking.

Post a brief synopsis of the mixed methods studies you found as a “.doc” or “.rtf” attachment. For each entry, provide the full APA citation, as well as a brief paragraph that explains the contribution the study makes to your own topic, either directly or tangentially. In the text of your posting (to which you will attach your synopsis), introduce and summarize the mixed methods studies as a collection, and post at least two questions that will elicit suggestions and further responses from your colleagues. Thesis Topic: communication in a multi generational workforce

Communication in a Multi Generational Workforce Sample Answer

Communication in a multi generational workforce


Today’s workforce is composed of individuals from four generations each bringing different views and values to the workplace. Mixed methods are very relevant in carrying out such kind of research using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Mixed methods enhance researcher’s capacities for social definition and generalization hence incorporates the best principles in doing research work (Chirino-Klevans, 2009, p34).

Communication in a Multi Generational Workforce Discussion


In studying communication in the multi generational workforce, the study involves various qualitative, techniques based on culture and a survey of people. This ensures that a particular population is well captured in terms of its diverse characteristics. The study entails the culture of small pockets of people covering three mental constructs. This approach addresses the character of the people in terms of values, communication, relationships, and motivation (Cohen & Crabtree, 2006,p109).


At this stage data generated from the qualitative approach is utilized. The data is used to develop instruments that give measurements of the particular character that impacts the behavior of interest. in addition, it looks at the relationship of this behavior with any other related aspect. The factors involved in the survey then enable the researcher to study their interests comprehensively while addressing a larger population. Motivations for human behaviors are very sophisticated. Someone’s volitional decisions are interfered with by the behaviors and the expectations of other people through experience, by tradition, and by the way in which the surrounding is composed (Cohen & Crabtree, 2006 p 100).

Communication in a Multi Generational Workforce Conclusion

Despite the fact that mixed methods are very informative during research work, the study is limited to four groups of people. This may not give a clear picture within each generational cohort.

Therefore the question that requires an answer is “what factors could affect participant’s values, motivation, work ethic, and life view”

Communication in a Multi Generational Workforce References

Chirino-Klevans, I. (2009). Motivating a changing workforce. Retrieved 12/05/10 from

Cohen D. & Crabtree B. (2006) “Qualitative Research Guidelines Project.” July 2006.

Retrieved from

Cohen D. & Crabtree B. (2006) “Qualitative Research Guidelines Project.” July 2006.

Retrieved from


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