Compare and Contrast Readings with Film Version

Compare and Contrast Readings with Film Version

Remember that your Compare and Contrast Readings with Film Version proposal must include:
Your thesis and at least two main points in support of it.
Refresh your knowledge of thesis statements by doing the interactive exercise included this week
Three sources you will use for your paper, not counting the story and film themselves, presented in MLA format

Compare and Contrast Readings with Film Version
Compare and Contrast Readings with Film Version

An analysis of how each source will help you make your argument and how each is credible
Refresh your knowledge of literary argument by doing the interactive exercise included this week
Draft and Final Paper
Your essay for this course will be a research paper in which you compare and contrast one of our readings with its film version. Essays should be between 1,300 and 1,500 words, make use of at least three credible outside sources not including book and film, and be written in MLA format.

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