Compare and Contrast the Music of Three Composers Compare and contrast the music of three prominent film composers active since 1960.

- Choose three composers discussed since the midterm exam. One of your choices may be selected from the group project presentations.
- For each composer, watch a film discussed in class and analyzes the role of music in that film referring to at least two specific cues per film.
- The essay should be in the form of a five-paragraph essay, single-spaced in a 12 point font and approximately 2 pages in length.
- The introduction should summarize similarities in musical approach (training, style, instrumentation, techniques etc.) and the conclusion should emphasize differences.
- Cue titles should be placed in quotations and film titles should be Italicized and include the year of release. Example: “A Knife in the Dark” from The
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (italics) (2001)
- A good essay will demonstrate knowledge of the material discussed in class and include some original observations.
- If your paper includes references to published sources including books, reviews, or websites, it must include citations and a bibliography formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style