Completed Multicultural Matrix and Media Reaction

Completed Multicultural Matrix and Media Reaction Resource: Completed Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet.

Completed Multicultural Matrix and Media Reaction
Completed Multicultural Matrix and Media Reaction

Please read carefully and address all aspects of this assignment.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400- word reaction to a media piece focusing on a current political issue relating to immigration.
Possible media pieces include an article, a video or audio clip, a television show, a book, a documentary, or a movie.
Research the issue explored in your media piece.
Address the following:
o What is the title of your media piece, who is the author/producer, and where was it published?
o What is the issue central to the piece of media?
o What is the historical framework of this issue?
o What is the political background of this issue?
o What message does the media piece attempt to portray? Was the media coverage biased or unbiased? Was the issue
sensationalized or portrayed objectively?
o How might this media coverage or project affect the public’s perception of this issue? Does it encourage or discourage prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping?
o How might this issue affect the U.S. economy and labor force?
o If you were a manager affected by this issue and its media coverage, what inclusion strategies from this week’s reading might you implement to moderate the media’s effect on your employees and to promote inclusion in the workplace?
Include at least two academic references in your research.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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