Comprehensive Statement Art PowerPoint Presentation You will be adding a comprehensive statement to your PowerPoint presentation and finalizing your segments from the previous units. You will submit the entire presentation, including those portions from previous units, for a final grade.
Begin by reviewing your Unit VI feedback and making any necessary revisions. In your comprehensive statement, present the last words on your art gallery. Summarize your thoughts and convey the larger implications of your art gallery. This is an opportunity to succinctly answer the so what? Question by placing the presentation within the context of research about the topic you have investigated. Be sure to demonstrate the importance of your ideas. Do not be shy. The comprehensive statement offers you a chance to elaborate on the significance of your findings.
For this segment, use the slides in the art gallery template labeled “Comprehensive Statement.” A minimum of three PowerPoint slides are required; however, you are welcome to add as many as you feel you need. You may include more than one idea on each slide, but please do not overload the slides with information.
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