Computer Science code for the 2nd programming

Computer Science code for the 2nd programming
Computer Science code for the 2nd programming

Computer Science code for the 2nd programming

Computer Science code for the 2nd programming

Write a report over two programming assignments.

1. Include a title that explains in a sentence what you learned or noticed. Include numbers on your submission to identify which part of the assignment you are taking care of.

2. Include your code for the first programming assignment.

(Random character) Write a program that displays a random uppercase letter
using the Math.random() method.

3. The output of your first code that shows what you have works.

4. Include your code for the second programming assignment.

(Generate vehicle plate numbers) Assume a vehicle plate number consists of three
uppercase letters followed by four digits. Write a program to generate a plate

5. The output of your code that shows what you have works.

6. A conclusion that discusses what you learned or noticed during the


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