Computers as Important Tools for Learning

Computers as Important Tools for Learning Compose the topic sentence of body paragraphs Assignment Overview In this practice exercise, you create topic sentences and practice linking them to the main idea of paragraphs.

Computers as Important Tools for Learning
Computers as Important Tools for Learning

Deliverables Four topic sentences A list of supporting ideas Step 1 Write topic sentences. Write a topic sentence for each of the subjects below. Why are computers important tools for learning? How can exercise help keep you healthy? Why is learning to read an important life skill? Describe a trip you would like to take. Step 2 Form supporting ideas. Choose two topic sentences from Step 1. Write your supporting ideas for each of the two topic sentences. In other words, make an outline of the evidence you would use to develop your topic sentence. When possible, aim to use at least four types of supporting ideas/proof, such as for example, definition, analogy, and testimony.

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